View Full Version : weight gain?

25-06-10, 11:35
has anyone else found that they've gained weight since starting cit?

I've been on it for 4 and a bit weeks now and have put on weight and am worried about putting more on :(

25-06-10, 14:10

This is my 3rd time on Citalopram and i don't remeber putting much weight on maybe 2 - 3 kg. This time around I initialy lost a bit due to the nausea but now back on my normal weight. So far been o it for about moth and half so hoping for no more weight gains as i know that fact on its own will make me feel down and anxious.

25-06-10, 18:15
I have put weight on recently but I don't think it's the cit. It's my usual reaction to an emotional upheaval - food glorious food. :)

25-06-10, 21:45
This is my first day taking Cit, im very nervous about putting weight on as this will make me even more depressed. Has cit increased your appetite? have your eating habits changed at all? From what i have read it seems that it effects everybody differently.
It's so weird... feel very hazy...and have no appetite at all....

26-06-10, 13:57

With my own personal experience with citalopram...initailly it caused increased anxiety so I lost about a stone and half but then it settles and I found the weight crept back on. I think with all anti-depressants you can gain weight but it is down to how you eat and if you keep an eye on it and try and eat healthy then you should be o.k.

Having said all of that surely it is better to feel better and gain a bit of weight then carry on feeling crap?? That is how I think of it anyhow!!! My mental health far out-weights my weight worry and I am already over-weight.

Hope that helps.


jaded jean
26-06-10, 17:18
I am with you there Jo!!
For tea I have had 4 baby bel cheeses a clotted cream rice pudding and a cornetto. Thats starters :yahoo:

26-06-10, 20:36
Thanks so much for the replies :)

Yeah I lost weight at first from no appetite at all and now just want to eat everything...but as you said Jo, it is better than feeling anxious!

I think I'll have to try and think more about what I eat though than just eat everything in sight! I'm only at the end of my first month so I'm hoping things might settle down a bit more!