View Full Version : funny feeling when falling asleep

25-06-10, 11:37

when going off to sleep last night i had this feeling just as i was dozing off like a tight feeling from my stomock that goes up to my throat and as it hits my throat it wakes me with a jolt. then i fall back off to sleep again and it will do same this again. It feels like I cant breath but i can really hard to describe. Did have something similar a few months back doctor said it was anxiety.
Anybody else had this sort of thing.


25-06-10, 12:24

anyone had this!!!!!!!!!!!


25-06-10, 12:27
yes all the time its adrenalin not nice but got used to it

25-06-10, 15:08
I have problems when falling asleep. I have this thing where, as I fall asleep, suddenly everything becomes the wrong size. It triggers panic. My brother came up with this theory: Serotonin, a brain chemical, controls anxiety and sleep. So the two things may become linked. As you get sleepy, the chemical is in charge of this and so it is in charge of the anxiety, and might bring this on as well, and any related effects like adrenalin rushes, panic, chest tightness, vision problems etc.

We might be wrong, but you could try eating some sleepy serotonin foods like bannanas to see if you sleep better or any sleep symptoms disappear. Or alternatively, this may make it worse, in which case, eat less bannanas!

Well thats what I'm doing anyway, but I am sure this is anxiety, as I experience all sorts of choking chest things. Its all just anxiety making itself known to us...

25-06-10, 21:49
yes i get something like this. very hard to explain, but feels like im wired. Like im charging up, feels like masses of adrenaline. strange chest feelings and an anxious type feeling in my chest and stomach, even though i am not anxious. also if i do doze off i will wake up suddenly short of breath and if i havent been breathing. awful.
sarah x