View Full Version : i just did something very stupid

25-06-10, 11:49
omg im an idiot. I was just weed killing in the garden with some weedkiller & when i opened it up a little bit sprayed on my hand i was holding a lolly in this hand too.

I smelt my hand & it smelt very strongly of weed killer & i smelt the lolly & it smelt fine. I didnt think anything of it & ate the lolly & i have now just thought about how stupid that was. I have now got myself in to a right panic that some sprayed on to the lolly & im going to die :wacko: im 32 weeks pregnant too so even more worried. I googled :doh: & it just says how bad it can be :(

i did it about 20 mins ago would i know by now? x

25-06-10, 12:22
I would imagine the lolly would have tasted very very bitter if you had got any weed killer on it. If you had tasted that you would have stopped eating it.
Your body would also have made you vomit by now if you did ingest anything.
Youll be fine^^

25-06-10, 12:27
As Vixxy said, the lolly would have tasted pretty bad if you had any real amount of weedkiller on it, you probably would have spat the thing out the moment you tasted it, so I doubt you have ingested any.

Plus if you'd actually swallowed some you'd be feeling the effects in your stomach by now.

25-06-10, 12:35
I think you'd know about it by now, you'd have thrown up or tasted it! If your still worried I'd ring NHS direct they'll help you! X