View Full Version : Please help me. clumsy, confused and in pain

25-06-10, 16:44
Dear all, i am very scared as i have become very clumsy. just today i knocked a bag out of someones hand, i constantly drop things (they often fly out of my hand randomly). My wrists and ankles/top of feet are painful and it is difficult to balance and to walk normally. I'm tired and confused and scared as my mum has MS and i have watched her slowly loose everything for 15 years. she is now in a care home as the MS has caused dementure, she is fed through a tube as she can't swallow, she is doubly incontinant and can't move except for her right arm and this hardly. she has fit after fit and my dad loves her so very much and struggles with it badly. my fear is not necessarily having MS, but telling him i do. i love him so much and he couldn't cope with it.
Does anyone else find themselves being clumsy and confused? pains in any joints/tendons?
Please help. i have a very real fear.
Thank you all x

25-06-10, 16:53
addition: also have almost constant pins and needles in lower legs and often lower arms too. x

25-06-10, 16:59
I know you are probably terrified to do it but you must tell your doctor your fears.Both my parents died from cancer ,now every symptom i ever get I think thats what I have. I suspect this is whats happening to you ,but you must get reassurance .The mind plays cruel tricks when we are anxious,you are full of worry and grief for your parents.You are going through an awful time please tell your doc all these fears.Best wishes.,

25-06-10, 17:05
stig, Imogen again, the pins and needles are often a sign of hyperventilation look it up on google and mention it to the doc,all signs of stress.

25-06-10, 18:15
As imogen says this might be your anxiety playing tricks on you. I would book an appointment with your gp and explain whats going on and hopefully they can put your mind at rest.

25-06-10, 21:55
i can totally sympathise with this. i have alot of those symptoms, but i have anxiety and also m.e. so im not sure which causes them the most.

But, my dad had ms and it is always a worry at the back of my mind. its natural if you have watched your relative close hand and all the symptoms, that you know what you are looking for and are bound to be anxious about it. the mind is a powerful thing and it can mimic these symptoms if you think about them alot. i know this from experience.

But saying that, you should still talk your fears through with your doctor just for peace of mind.

sarah x

27-06-10, 20:11
hi im really worried about ms too. i keep getting a numb heavy feeling in my left arm and leg. i know the dr will tell me its anxiety and i feel like i am wasting their time but convinced there is something wrong.
so badly want to feel normal again and im sure you do too.
all the best and i really hope you feel better soon

28-06-10, 00:16
Hi Stig

My dad had MS too and died when I was 7. Although MS isn't hereditary, the child or sibling of something with MS has a slightly higher risk of getting it, although what I was told was that it usually tends to develop before the age of 40.

A lot of your symptoms could be stress, but the surefire way is to get your GP to refer you for an MRI scan and that would tell you definitely whether there was any tendency to it there. I think they would probably offer you some counselling around having the test as well.

Hope this helps.