View Full Version : Fear of going on holiday - not flight

25-06-10, 18:28
Does anyone here have a fear of going on holiday, I don't mean fear of flying as such I mean actually being in a foreign country for a week or two?

I am going on honeymoon at the end of July and this holiday fear is definately creeping in. I'm not exactly sure what of, everything, what if this happens or that happens etc..... what if I feel like this and i'm stuck out there.

Actually I'm concerned that my doc won't prescribe me anymore Diazepam to take with me! Its been prescribed on 2 occasions since March 2mg tablets, I am trying not to take any now (although I do actually think i could do with taking it) can take 1 a day when required. Hoping to save enough to cover just in case she won't let me have anymore.

Sorry that was a bit of a rant.....

25-06-10, 18:34

Yes I know what you mean about what if that and what if this and I know its difficult to control these feelings, but I am sure you will be fine, not really safe anywhere I guess but we have to try to control these thoughts and try to enjoy ourselves, wherever we are.

Enjoy your Honeymoon!

25-06-10, 19:05
Thanks Lucy, i guess i am making myself worse thinking about it but these demons just won't go away today! hopefully tomorrow will be a better day:) S.x

25-06-10, 19:23
Normally once i get there i'm fine!

Next time u feel really really relaxed just imagine it going really well in loads of detail!

25-06-10, 22:01
tricky one this because i have ended up at the hospital several times on holiday in an anxious state - probably because when you go away the stress that has been in the background finally hits - although - now i know a lot more about anxiety i am sure i would be able to manage it now but no - you couldn't get me away for more then several days because it takes me too far out of my comfort zone but many non anxiety sufferers are like this too. i think the best thing is to try and deal with the anxiety in the here and now without looking too far ahead otherwise you will wind yourself up but a little stash of meds sounds a good idea too! x

ps - when i got married we did not have a honeymoon because i could only cope with wedding or holiday and not both!

25-06-10, 22:03
if you truly feel you cannot go then perhaps try and cancel and go somewhere closer or shorten the length maybe? if you do feel you will be ok when you get there - then saving some meds is a good idea and it will make you feel safer about going. If you do go - you could have a wonderful time and you will feel very proud of yourself too x

26-06-10, 09:06
Hi smb25,

I think it is just the thought of going and once you get there you will settle and enjoy it!!

We are all different and I know when I am going through a bit of a bad patch and a holiday comes along I too feel a bit edgy/anxious around the thought. My GP told me it is something to do with the fact that when we are at home we are in a daily routine and just go about things as they come. When you go on holiday it is something to do with the "change" and it can cause a little anxiety.

I definately think you will be fine once you get there and the diazepam will help take the edge off whilst you settle.

Shame your GP wont prescribe you anymore....you are not addicted so it seems unfair to me!!!

Hope you get on o.k.



26-06-10, 13:05
Just accept that you feel this way, and go on holidays anyway. Don't try to push the anxiety away, it will just come back stronger. Keep accepting that this is how you feel for now. Also i'm sure if you explain the situation to your doc, that you just need the Diazepam for this short while, he/she will be willing to prescribe it again. Try not to cancel and let anxiety hold you hostage, go even though you are feeling awful. That saying "feel the fear and do it anyway" has got me through a lot of things I'd have rather not done because of anxiety.
Good luck.:hugs:

26-06-10, 18:38
Thank guys,

I definately won't cancel because taking my daughter (she's 12) and I can't disappoint her. Going to the docs on Thursday to see about getting more Diaz, hopefully she will prescribe, she fully aware of the situation.

I am hoping and preying that once I get there and see "everythings alright" the anxiety will go.

x S.

26-06-10, 20:33
I think it will....I had to have a week off work before I went to New York coz of working myself up so much...second day there absolutely fine! and that was a biggie for me! you'll be grand!