View Full Version : Me=a mess!

25-06-10, 20:41
Hi! new to this site.
Im 34 years old and have panic attacks and anxiety from as far back as I can remember. Ive fought my way through...taking xanax for years. Things getting better. Seeing a counselor and things getting better. Four years ago my dad passed away which lead me into panic and anxiety again. Got through it and now its showing its nasty face again. Thing is I dont get it??? Im getting married in sept 2010. Building a house that should be ready in July, living and taking care of my sick mom until our house is done, and working 50 hours a week. Dr said to much on my plate, stress is too much. But most is positive stuff. She put me on Zoloft 50 mg daily, Im already on Klonopin.05mg as needed. Im a mess lately. Been on the Zoloft for 4 days and feel more panicky and jittery, foggy head, out of it, tired all the time. Now I take two klonopin a day just to get through the day. I white knuckle it and when I get home I break down in tears. Am I going crazy?? I feel like Im losing this battle this time around. Im sad about taking the meds, mad that I cant lead a normal life, so tense and scared all the time. I worry about when Im gonna panic next. Will the zoloft side effects wear off?? I need someone that can relate. Please lend an ear and I will do the same.


25-06-10, 22:55
Welcome to NMP. I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

26-06-10, 00:54

You having trouble with panic attacks and meds?? How are you doing?

jude uk
26-06-10, 01:00
man you do have so much on your plate. I think anyone who has gone through what you have gone through and building a house and getting married and looking after your mom would be stressed....

Meds are good for a certain amount of time and can support you but you may also think about CBT and at least taking things a bit easy. I dont know much about the meds your on but maybe see the Dr again and see if they can suggest something else to help you

27-06-10, 21:47
Thanks for your ear! Monday I will try to find a CBT. I feel like Im going crazy, and wish someone could tell me I wasnt. Im so scared of losing my job due to this. Are these feelings normal? Im getting really sad a lot lately due to my panic and anxiety. Feel like such a failure:( Want my life back.