View Full Version : Question about Angina

25-06-10, 21:32
Is it possible to have angina which occurs at rest and actually gets better with exercise?

25-06-10, 21:49
I wouldn't have thought so but I am not a cardiologist.

Do you have angina then?

25-06-10, 22:02
I don't know. The symptoms I am getting fit the description except for the fact that they are better with exercise.

I've read that reflux can cause symptoms similar to angina, but I've been on an acid reducing pill for 6 weeks so I don't see how it could be reflux if the acid is being medically stopped by the pills.

25-06-10, 22:06
i would have thought angina always increased with exercise because the heart is working faster? sounds like muscle spasm caused by nervous tension or yes - reflux can cause it. i have had this and its like a horrible feeling in your throat - i too was on pills but they didn;t do much - i ended up having the test where they put a tube down your throat but they found nothing and i had been having quite severe symptoms - i think the pills hadn;t worked because it was nervous tension and not stomach acid so it sounds like perhaps you are the same? one thing to do is to check you are not clenching/sucking your stomach in - i used to do this all the time until i noticed it and i think this was causing my symptoms x

25-06-10, 22:25
Where is the pain exactly?

25-06-10, 22:29
Funny you say that coz I went for a lie down earlier and gradually the pain went away, had a little nap and when I woke up it was fine for a few mins, then bam it was back.

25-06-10, 23:31
I had this same worry, and have constant ongoing chest pain/palpitations, which have been diagnosed as anxiety/fibromyalgia. If you are googling please stop, it will make you so much worse. I nearly drove myself insane googling on health. The internets too big and you cant diagnose yourself. Your doctor is best person to talk with. Doesnt sound like angina, if it gets better with exercise. Do you spend a lot of time in the same position? I am sure that has something to do with one type of chest pain i get. Take care and try not google :hugs:

26-06-10, 12:57
Update - I just played 2 hrs of tennis and I feel great. This thing must be stomach related I think.