View Full Version : The dangers of google

26-06-10, 00:44
I am not going to be a hypocrite because I still google symptoms. I have Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and sometimes it doesn't even help me to google about my own conditions. I would like to tell you a little story about what google did to me. IT CREATED ONLY MORE ANXIETY. For months and months in fact nearly a year I googled contsantly. I had lots of different symptoms and I think I googled 90% of them. Here is an example of how bad google is: Wednesday and Thursday I had bad toothache. Google toothache and it mentions sign of a heartattack. Fibromyalgia causes chest pain and I already have anxiety about my heart so this just sent my anxiety soaring sky high. Friday I went dentist and got a tooth out. I had decay and inflammation of the tooth/gum. Through googling symptoms I made my anxiety probably 100% worse and possibly created more symptoms in doing so. Anxiety does cause physical symptoms. Scary but anxiety. I went from cancer to sudden death because of google. Perhaps if I never had started googling I would have been in a better place today regarding anxiety but I let it take over and it did make me worse. We already have it bad with anxiety and the symptoms of anxiety and as hard as it may be, we need to try live with them and not look for additional illnesses. If you have symptoms that concern you talk to your GP. GOOGLE IS EVIL FOR ANXIETY. We need to be encouraging each other to stop. One useful way to stop googling is go straight to the symptoms page on this site, they symptoms of anxiety. Only a doctor can diagnose you, not yourself not google. It was nothing to do with google that my conditions were picked up. Medical professionals know the signs of illnesses. We don't need google. Our parents and their parents never. All we can do by using google is send ourselves into blind panic. No more google = less panic.

Take care everyone and try be good to yourselves

26-06-10, 00:59
Read this post ..
