View Full Version : Need some reassurance

26-06-10, 08:37
Good Morning

I am hoping someone can put my mind at rest... you know that nagging little voice....

I posted a week ago about a lump below my gum - finding it sent my ha sky high and some lovely people posted to say they had them etc. I actually saw my gp later in the week for something unrelated (and non panicky) but mentioned it. He confirmed it was a cyst and I could have had it years.

My other issue now is a burning tongue feeling - which I have never had before but I thought may have been anxiety related. It started about 3 weeks ago and feels like I have burnt it - especially the tip. It was also around the time I discovered red wine (normally have white) - the drinking 1/2 bottle most evenings also set my ha off. When I saw gp I said stupidly that tongue was burning a bit but I knew it was prob anxiety - so he did not pursue it.

My question is do others have it? And has anyone got rid of it? I read a post on here and I know it can be ha. I am reluctant to go to gp again - as always going and it may be anxiety. With the gum lump I was scared of oral cancer - tongue burning is not helping now. Tongue looks mainly normal apart from when I stick it out as far as poss and then I saw several white bumps right at back - are these normal too? Frustrated as I would not have seen the tongue bumps if tongue did not burn as I know it is not normal to stick tongue right out and examine it.

Any reassurance gratefullly received.... xx

26-06-10, 10:19
Might be oral thrush thats giving you the sore tongue. That will leave a white coating at the back as it usually works its way up from the throat.

28-06-10, 12:59
Thanks vixxy I have not been to drs yet as think they must be fed up of me. My tongue is still burning mainly at the tip - like I have had a hot drink and burnt it but I haven't and it has been like it for a few weeks. Tongue is light White coating in places but a pinker stripe down the centre looks like I have dragged front teeth across it but haven't. does anyone else have this burning tongue? Has anyone managed to get rid of it? Just want it to go back to normal!! Thanks flumpkin x

28-06-10, 13:01
Try going to dentist rather than the doc hun, i was diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome over two years ago, it comes and goes these days, but i get it more when i'm anxious.

di xx

28-06-10, 13:04
Have a read of this hun.


di x

29-06-10, 22:21
Thanks Di - it is a real condition then - I sometimes think all in my head!!
Can I ask - how did dentist diagnose it - did you need any tests or referals? Just want to know what to expect. I have a check up in Aug - do you think ok to wait til then? I am trying to ignore it and then every so often I get a wave of panic. sorry.

thanks again hun