View Full Version : Food & storage temperatures - would really appreciate advice

26-06-10, 12:22
Recently I've developed a weird obsession/paranoia with food and the storage of it. I keep worrying my fridge isn't closing properly to keep the food cool - though it is, we tested. Our flat gets very warm, so I am now worried all the food is going off. I keep chocolate and cakes in coolest possible place, but I'm worried that cupboard goods are going to go bad and make me ill. I've lived here for over a year, through last years very hot summer, eating the same foods - same spreads, same cupboard goods, and they were fine. Infact, I was less careful about keeping things in a cooler place.

Now I'm worried about medicines and cough syrups, etc. They were stored on top of the fridge which I noticed today is warm... so now I'm worried they've gone bad. I can't shake this thing. Am I just being irrational?

26-06-10, 17:00
Hi Mumble, For the most part is probably a phobia/OCD thing on your part. :hugs:

It is sensible to check these sorts of things occasionally (such as at the start of summer) but you've even called it a bit obsessive yourself. Like all the best phobias there is small degree of truth in there to set up the worry. The outside top/rear of a fridge is a pretty warm place in summer so some foods would at least go stale being there.

As regards the foods you mention (from my long life - lol)
- bakery products mainly go stale in summer, not much risk there, just not as nice.
- (dry) packet foods don't seem to mind
- tinned foods don't mind too much although I would aim for a cupboard and not lying in full sun! Tinned meat and fish usually benefit from going in the fridge before opening.
- fruit/veg can go off faster, but you can see problems on fruit. Most does taste nicer warm rather than fridge cold.
- jams and spreads don't like a lot of heat and some jams/preserves need the fridge these days. Again though you'd see mold on the top if anything were wrong.

I hope that helps a bit. So I doubt your foods will get the better of you, but worry that your insecurity might. :hugs: :hugs: I know food is a big challenge for you in multiple ways.