View Full Version : music/books/movies...

26-06-10, 16:30
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has any of the above to reccommend or anything that has helped or you can relate to..
I'm really into all sorts of stuff.. But I was watching a documentary the other day on BBC4 Parralell Universes, which was about Mark Everett (E) from the band Eels.. Anyway this was a band I used to listen to a lot growing up and I found myself digging out lod CDs which brought back a lot of memories listening to them, and also give me renewed strength of which it had given me years ago..
So my track for the day is Eels- PS you rock my world..
A lyric he uses on there which to me makes so much sense..
"Laying in bed tonight i was thinking
And listening to all the dogs
And the sirens and the shots
And how a careful man tries
To dodge the bullets
While a happy man takes a walk"
Its off the album Electro Shock Blues, a great album with such a tragic tale behind it..
All the best

26-06-10, 22:02
Hi Martin,

I have heard of the eels but dont know too many of their songs if i'm honest.

The song i really like at the moment is the scissors sisters one, fire with fire...i also really like muse and they r on tv tonight i think at glastonbury...they r amazing live.

i am reading a few of jodi picoults books currently, they are ok but seem to follow a particular formula really...i'm reading one at the moment about a high school shooting by a teenager and whether bullying made him do it.

films, well i'm going to see russell brands new one tomorrow so i can let you know! i do have a little soft spot for him!

27-06-10, 01:18
Hi Supersezza, Yeah the Eels I've got to say are a big fave of mine, but also I like a lot of rock and hiphop, also I like Muse and saw them in Birmingham at the NEC a few years ago..
I've never heard of jodi picoult, so I will have to check her out... I'm currently reading Self Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes, and a guide to meditation book as I'm trying to speed up my recovery time lol.. But I've just read My Booky Wook by Russell Brand, and it is a fantastic read.
Let me know what the films like because I bought Forgetting Sarah Marshall the other night (special offer in Morrisons £4!!) and apparently its supposed to be the same character in Get Him to the Greek..
I don't know what kind of films you like but I watched My Sisters Keeper the other week and oh my god I wept like a newborn.. I was quite relieved actually as I find it hard to release emotion when having bad anxiety, so this was emotional yet theraputic!!
Keep well..

01-07-10, 15:51
Hi, Martin.

I find myself listening to a lot of music and reading a lot -- I've always been like that since being young. I do agree that music gives strength, we can all find one song we relate to... I love the old prodigy stuff though, a lot of my music is drum and bass... But i'm also into a lot of the indie stuff...

Always loved Regina Skeptors "Eet" since i heard it

"You spend half of your life trying to fall behind.
You're using your headphones to drown out your mind.
It was so easy and the words so sweet.
You can't remember; you try to move your feet."

Book wise, i always find myself getting lost inside the book, it takes my mind off what's going on, i read anything when i feel my anxiety kicking in, i've even found myself reading the back of shampoo bottles when i've had a panic attack in the bath!! LOL.

Lovely thread, Martin, and definately something i can relate to :)