View Full Version : Can anyone advise re constipation for my mother in law

26-06-10, 16:46
She is 87 yrs old and has chronic constipation even though she takes lactulose and eats prunes etc. Every so often she gets very hard stool that gets stuck and gets breakthrough watery stool. She always gets this at a weekend when there is no doctor or chemist open and refuses to see a Dr in between!

Its late saturday afternoon and no chemist open or Dr available for a presc for pessaries and she is in a mess and I don't know what might help her as I have never ever had constipation in my life but know loads of peope on here do so thought I would ask and hopefully someone is on line who can help me.

I have told her to drink loads of fluids and take max dose of lactulose - she has tried to move the stool manually but says its too big and hard. I also have to be out for rest of day and all day tomorrow so tearing my hair out. last time she was as bad as this a few years ago called out of hours GP and all they did was give her a presc which is no good if no chemists!

margaret jones
26-06-10, 17:55
Hi you can buy suppositores from a pharmacy that is all i can suggest poor thing it is horrid ,I suffer if i take codiene based meds i think attacking the problem orally will be difficult until she is able to go to loo

Take Care Maggie

26-06-10, 18:43
Have you tried colonic massage?
Heres a video I found and used from youtube. It did work for me, but im not severly constipated.
I hope it helps.

26-06-10, 19:39
I had this and was prescribed an enema which worked in about 15 mins.
I know with no chemist this won't help at the moment , but maybe if she could get some to use if this happens again - i think they are on prescription only though.
This type of constipation is very painful and at 87 it must be so hard to cope with.
Hope your motherinlaw feels better soon x

26-06-10, 19:55
My 91 year old mum gets this sometimes - plenty of fruit, water, lactulose is what usually sorts her out, but it does take a while. My mum is the same, she won't see a doctor unless it's an absolute emergency - but there have been times when I've just phoned the doctor to come out to see her, and had to own up later!

I really do hope your mum in law gets some relief soon - it's not nice, especially in the elderly.

Wendy :hugs:

28-06-10, 13:33
I suffer from the same thing and what works for me is a spoonful of cracked linseed (healthfood shop) every day sprinkled over cereal or on anything,please try it ,all the best,Immogen

28-06-10, 16:39
Hi Countrygirl

Sorry to hear about your mum, hopefully by the time you read this the problem will have been sorted out.

One solution that did come to mind was Glycerine suppositories, I believe they can be bought over the counter without need for a prescription.

When my daughter was a a very young baby (she has a disability) because of her weak muscles she often suffered from constipation. The nurse from the hospital who used to come out and see her used just a tiny bit of a suppository and it always worked within 15-20 mins.

Obviously it isn't something that should be used all the time but may be helpful in the situations you describe..obviously have a word with the gP or pharmacist first to check that it would be ok to use them.

Good luck :)

29-06-10, 09:21
Huge thanks everyone for taking the trouble to reply i really appreciae it.
I rang the out of hours Drs and because of her age they insisted on a visit - the Dr who came was at least english so could understand - had problems in past with Dr who seemed not to speak english! but was as old as the hills:D I thought you had to retire at 70 as a Dr but maybe he had just had a hard paper round:D.

He said her constipation is due to the very high dose of iron she takes everyday - apparently the nhs can't prescribe an iron that does not cause this as they can only prescribe inorganic iron so looking into the ones that have already been digested with enzymes so to speak but may be cost prohibitive.

The Dr gave her some dynaminte laxative poor thing and she ahd a terrible time for 24 hrs - very undignified and left her extremely weak and wobbly but did clear everything out. I have made her an appt with her own GP at end of week and will go with her and explain problem.

A few years ago when she had this problem the Dr gave her the glycerin suppositories and they worked and were gentle as well. This out of hours Dr also left her a presc for fleet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the stuff you take before a colonoscopy but will not get it as it literally could kill her in her state and will tell her GP that we will not get this presc as well.

29-06-10, 14:17
I'm really glad your mum in law has been able to see a doctor but really sorry that she had a rough 24 hours. It's great that you're going to see her GP to discuss things with them. I know when I have had to have a laxative it really knocks me flying; at your mum in law's age she definitely needs something mild and gentle, doesn't she.

Hope all goes well.
