View Full Version : Head Pressure

26-06-10, 21:10
Hi All

Sorry it is me again with the same complaint :weep:

This head pressure is scaring the hell out of me it is almost constant my left ear feels funny but the doc says its clear could this really be sinuses? i am scared to go back docs in case they send me to the hospital for a brain scan

i think my eyes needs testing my left one sometimes quivers like a shiver when you are cold for less than a second its really getting me down :weep:

Kerry B
26-06-10, 21:45
Hiya I am having head pressure and think I am have problems with my ear I had had them checked now by two doctors who say my ears are fine, I know how you are feeling they keep telling me its all due to Anxiety which like you I cannot believe and I am in such a state I am shaking and feel sick., x

26-06-10, 21:52
Hi Kerry

Thanks for the reply

Sorry you are feeling the same it is awful isnt it? i have had this now for over 2 weeks sometimes i wake with a headache sometimes i get one through the day sometimes at night does my head in i am never headache free

hope for us both it clears up soon :hugs:

Kerry B
26-06-10, 21:58
Do you suffer with dizzy spells as wel? x

26-06-10, 22:18

Yeah sometimes especially if i turn quickly i feel a bit woosy

heather xx
27-06-10, 07:14
if your suffering sinuses sometime your eye shakes. i used to suffer bad with sinus headaches and nearly always my eye would shake. The doctor told me this. try not to worry im sure its all to do with the sinus

27-06-10, 11:38
Hi there, i am suffering from head pressure as well, sometimes it feels like my eyes are going to pop out my head, i get slight vision problems as well but nothing with my ear, i also experience a weird sensation in my hands as well. My dr has said it is anxiety although he has sent me for an mri scan, which i am a nervous wreck, waiting for the results. I just dont believe that anxiety can do this to you. its such a cruel thing if it does. Your own head making you think your dying or.....Thats what i am hoping my case is, anxiety that is. What i have in my head just cripples me on a daily basis. I have had many x rays and blood tests and stuff like that, all came back negative but i still get these thoughts.

27-06-10, 16:52
Hi there, i am suffering from head pressure as well, sometimes it feels like my eyes are going to pop out my head, i get slight vision problems as well but nothing with my ear, i also experience a weird sensation in my hands as well. My dr has said it is anxiety although he has sent me for an mri scan, which i am a nervous wreck, waiting for the results. I just dont believe that anxiety can do this to you. its such a cruel thing if it does. Your own head making you think your dying or.....Thats what i am hoping my case is, anxiety that is. What i have in my head just cripples me on a daily basis. I have had many x rays and blood tests and stuff like that, all came back negative but i still get these thoughts.

I get this too, with the weird feelings in my hands also. I can't describe it as a numbness or anything. Almost the same type of weird pressure thing I feel in my head.

28-06-10, 21:41
You are the first one i have found with these hand problems, i was beginning to thiunk that i was the only 1. It puts my mind at ease a lil but not much, lol. Until these results are in from my mri i aint believin anything.

28-06-10, 22:37
You are the first one i have found with these hand problems, i was beginning to thiunk that i was the only 1. It puts my mind at ease a lil but not much, lol. Until these results are in from my mri i aint believin anything.

How would you describe it? It's just...weird.

02-07-10, 11:20
erm, yeah its just a wierd sort of feeling, the dr thought it was something more sinister but he ran the tests needed and put it down to anxiety, it kinda aches a lil, sometimes tingles n feels weak. kinda hard to explain

13-07-10, 16:32
In that case you should be prefer for the Ayurvedic instead of the antibiotic. The reason is that there is so many side effects to use of the antibiotic.

13-07-10, 16:50
I have had a headache for what feels like 2 months now, it's either a swelling pain or a really sharp acute pain on the left, above the ear spreading to the temple, when it's really bad it feels as though my nose is blocked and then I panic and think i'm going to stop breathing.. The only relief I get is when I am asleep..
The doctors and hospitals do not seem fussed by it at all, they have put it all down to stress and anxiety, to which I am not dealing with so it's not going away.. I don't know how to deal with it..
You will be fine, relax and breathe slowly through your nose and out of your mouth.. we all need to find our own way of dealing with what we have without letting it disrupt our lives too much, I'm still trying to find my way of dealing with whatever is going on.

13-07-10, 17:56

Yeah sometimes especially if i turn quickly i feel a bit woosy
Hi i get dizzy to if i turn to quickly and feel faint aswell :wacko:

13-07-10, 18:40
hi hun ive had this head presure for 2 years on and off its awfull i know hun and ive been to doc for it sos many times and thay tell me its anx ....it feels like my head is being squezzed so hard ....if u want u could read some of my post on head presure ive posted alot on this ...feel free to write me pm if u want hun tc ...