View Full Version : missed heartbeats, what do I do?

26-06-10, 21:15
Im really frightened Im getting missed heartbeats that are so bad they are taking my breath away. it feels like a big jolt and then a pause that feels like it goes on for seconds. Im so scared and dont know what to do? :weep:

26-06-10, 21:18
see the doctor! they'll be nothing serious just a symptom of your anxiety, but he may be able to prescribe something for you hun, or sort you out some relaxation techniques.

26-06-10, 21:24
Ive had 24 b.p, 24 hr tape and 7 day taping but these are so bad they are seriously doing me in. they have been so strong today. so down about it as have 2 kids and dont want to leave them. wish I felt normal and not scared all the time. thanks :(

Going home
26-06-10, 21:35
I know they can be really bad, ive had them off and on for years to be honest, and although men get them too, often in women they can be made worse by hormones...just before a period, during pregnancy etc. They can be quite bad with PMT. They can also sometime happen if your stomach is irritated too. I know they are scary but if you try to calm down about them and take a few deep breaths, I know its hard, and just know that they won't harm you, uncomfortable though they are. Since taking beta blockers (propranolol) for migraine and raised BP, ive found that my 'missed' beats happen much less. But there are alot of natural remedies out there too.

Anna xx

26-06-10, 21:48
thanks Iam actually on proprananol for panic and it did really help for a time but now they are back with a vengence. I will try and calm myself with some breathing and hope they calm down. x

27-06-10, 12:07

What you feel is not normally a missed heart beat but more likely an extra heat beat or a strong heart beat. This is to do with anxiety and the old flight or fight response, people often suffer from this, try to take your mind off it and see if that helps, it is not a symptom of a heart attack.

If you are worried ask your GP to listen to your heart and run a ECG both can be done at your doctors office, but to be honest I think it sounds like classic anxiety,
