View Full Version : 7 days in need some advice

27-06-10, 19:11
Hi all, I'm 7 days into Cit now and I'm taking it for anxiety and thoughts that i know are stupid but still scare me. For the last day or so the anxiety has just dissappeared for periods of time but then come back a few hours later, does it ease your symptoms then make you think more positive, as i can be completely calm but still not feel great. Do you think this could be them beginning to work? I'm getting so agitated with it all.

Your replies would really help.

Thanks Jemma.

27-06-10, 19:32
I really don't think we suddenly wake up one morning wanting to take on the world personally lol - although some people may have felt like that! I think it's a gradual process and sometimes others may even notice it more than you. Sometimes we can expect too much from these meds though. I think the hard work part is still down to us.

It's a positive thing that you're seeing small improvements and recovery is different for each individual, so go with it. However, bear in mind that it's still early days and that things should get a lot easier in a few more weeks.

Good luck.

27-06-10, 19:42
Essentially what I found the Cit did was just reduce the anxiety and depression to a point where you naturally feel more positive simply by not being in the grip of those desperate feelings. It's like being shut up in a hot, stuffy room and feeling smothered then being let out to take in a deep breath of fresh air.

If you want to get better, Cit simply gives you the space and the ability to get on and do that, as Mel said, the hard work is down to us. You feel well enough to get on and do the things you need to without the horrible anxious desperate feelings crowding your thoughts.

I've been through a week or two of a blip, I felt fine generally but there was a layer of tension underneath that was manageable, not pleasant but not something that overwhelmed me like it did before I started the meds. Essentially I had what it took to deal with the mild anxiety and get through.

You seem to be making progress, even short periods of being able to deal with the anxiety is a start, it gives you a bit of light at the end of the tunnel, which is something a lot of us are looking for when deep in it.
