View Full Version : Think I have a little bit of a drink problem

28-06-10, 00:27
I've been quite a heavy drinker since i was 18.... or 19, in truth I cannot remember. I often find that I will have a drink to relax at the end of the day, even though iknow that prolonged non-drinking after the first leads to depression and potentially anxiety.

I think the longest ive gone without a drink in the last 3 years is three to four weeks.... again, I can't remember.

Has anyone else any experience of this? I would certainly appreciate your advice.

I'm not interested in replies from anyone who is going to be judgemental or critical of me on this post.


28-06-10, 00:51
ive been there mate, its a catch 22 & it makes things 100 times worse,
it was hard but i completely quit , & am glad that its behind me

28-06-10, 00:56
Good on you for admitting you might have a problem :)

I sadly can't help but I'm sure you'll get some great advice :flowers:

28-06-10, 08:20
Only thing that works for me is going to a self help group every day and staying sober one day at a time. All the best. Baggs.

28-06-10, 12:31
I know where you are coming from here Dan. I've been a social drinker since the age of 17 (I'm 36 now). I've built my friendships and social life around booze, and while I'd never say I "have a problem" as such, I do think that it becomes too much of a crutch and too much of a bad habit.

What I do now is never drink alone (although I never did to be honest) and restrict it to socialising. Remember the stuff IS a depressant, and whatever relief from symptoms you might be getting with a drink, you'll get twice the problems back the next day or throughout the rest of the week.

Don't panic and start thinking you are an alcoholic - the very fact that you're on here talking about it probably means you're not. Try a week without the booze and see how you get on, if you are really struggling then have a re-think.


28-06-10, 16:42
cheers for the advice guys :)

29-06-10, 01:25
i shouldve stated that having a problem doesnt make you an alchoholic, i wasnt, but was dependent on booze to take away my anxiety ( & give me confidence, ect)
but i never actually craved alchohol, & making that diferentiation is what helped me to stop. stopping was what made me realise just how much i was masking with grog, & yes its been hard facing it without my crutch, but id never go back, it makes problems worse in the long term.
i still dont feel like drinking, but dont like the way i feel without it either. ill learn.