View Full Version : shakes

28-06-10, 09:38
for the last few mornings when other half going to work and kids of to school ,, i wake up with the shakes and it scares me cause then i think going to panic and i have to do some deep breathing,, does anyone els get this,, i dont like it.:weep:

28-06-10, 13:20
When my anxiety is really bad I do. I find that taking a propranalol as soon as I wake up helps to stop it. I also listen to a relaxation cd to try to calm my nerves.
Its horrible, but normal. Dont worry too much about it, it will start to subside as you feel better.

28-06-10, 16:29
I shake constantly and have ever since iv had anxiety, sometimes its only noticed in my hands and other days my whole body shakes, my doctor offered me beta blockers saying they would relax me on a whole but i've got a major hang up about tablets at the minute. But yes i think it is quite common

28-06-10, 21:00
Thanks for your replys. Ive got diazipam to take when needed but dont like to. But think i will so it dont get out of control.

29-06-10, 00:24
bomber I too suffer from shakes, especially in the morning. I take propranalol, which have been great at stopping this. Perhaps you could ask your Doc about them, as reliance on Diazepam can become addictive.

Going home
29-06-10, 00:29
Hi bomber, I get this usually if ive had less than 7 hours sleep. If I go to bed around 1 or 2am and wake at around 5 or 6 and can't get back to sleep then i get up feeling a bit shaky and trembly. It passes off after ive eaten breakfast, then a bit of lunch and by the afternoon i'm usually back to normal again...well normal for me anyway :D

Anna xxx

29-06-10, 08:20
yea, i find by lunch im fine,, i hate mornings and again this morn i feel terrible i know my friend is coming to day so that took a bit of pressure off,, i hate it, i feel i cant breath to day and very light headed,, i dont think the hot waether helps,,ive taken a diaizpam this morn so should calm down soon,, i used to take propanaol, im on prozac and seroquel now,, and im told i can take the odd single dose of 25mg of seroquel when needed instead of diaizpam,, but its hard enough taken my normal meds and got a hang up of taken more cause i dont know how tired i feel on them,, but i guess i wont know unless i try. may be i will today while my friend is here cause i got a 2 year old as well.

29-06-10, 08:27
also this morn i feel i cant see my vision is blurred,, all these symtoms scare me,, and like i said i have a two year old to look after,, im feeling im going to get really ill again because lately ive been coping,, but now im dont like been on my own more that normal,, im i going down hill,, and i could just sleep all day.

Going home
29-06-10, 10:17
Yes it is more than likely the weather too...its very close with not much air at night so then nose and head starts to feel stuffy which can create a panic and then that makes the breathing worse. I carry one of those vic sticks and breathe the menthol in through each nostril and that seems to clear my nose and head. It also could be your meds...are there any known side effects from them that you are aware of?

Anna xx

29-06-10, 12:07
hi anna,, ive been on my meds along time so i dont think its them,, i take seroquel in morns and night ,, and have the option to take on during the day,, they just relax u,, but i hate change of routine.

29-06-10, 13:23
Hi I felt like this a bit last week - I've had it a lot worse before though - I used to really worry about it loads until I went to see a Counsellor - she gave me some good advice. I just tend to be used to this now so just relax and let it pass. I tend to usually do something to distract my mind from it happening.

29-06-10, 18:23
thanks fo all your repiles,, i have no one that under stands me,, there listern bout dont understand,,, i feel so low and frustrated at ther moment, im agroaphoic to, and dont go far at all and people around have no idea,, that cant see why i wont try ,but im scared and why would i put my self in a situation where i think im going to die, they think they can just put me in car and if i panic well thats it,, but i cant do that,, i have not gone within half a mile of my house for 3 years,, im at a dead end,, and i dont even wanna try, why would i wanna go out? i know i b like this for the reast of my life,, i might have small sucesses but then go back down again,, nothen ever continues. my fault i know but im not brave enough, i cant do it,, and im giving up.