View Full Version : Glandular Fever/Mono

28-06-10, 12:57

I found this site while reading about the symptoms and transmission so I thought I'd make a post.

My girlfriend told me this morning one of her friends has been diagnosed with glandular fever after a week of stomach pain, I assume more symptoms must have displayed themselves.

Unfortunately my girlfriend was out with her and some other friends on saturday night and stayed over at her house, sleeping in the same bed.

Having read glandular fever can be passed not just by kissing but by close contact, sharing household items and door handles and especially worryingly sharing drinks and being airborne, I am now very averse to having any physical contact with my girlfriend until she can be tested for it and vows to keep away from her friend until at least she displays no more symptoms.

I know this is harsh and extreme but a few month's back having been with my girlfriend for about 6 month's I got terrible tonsilitus, having never had any throat problems other than common cold/sore throat all my life. I directly and mostly secretly blamed this on catching it from my girlfriend as she had kissed around 30 different people prior to me and me only 1 other girl, although my girlfriend has never had tonsilitus but could be a carrier who isn't affected.

I know if I got glandular fever now it would cause me to have massive resentment for her that I know I don't want because it won't be her fault, technically it would be mine for not removing the threat which is what I'm trying to do now.

I know that glandular fever isn't always a big deal but in half the cases it sounds pretty terrible, especially for me as I am really getting back into an active life after a year of unemployment, re-employment as a desk potatoe and mild depression/anxiety.

I workout every other day and on the other days I run 3-6 miles aiming to get up to a sub-60 minute 10km so I take my fitness very seriously. As such glandular fever is such a debilitating illness I don't want to be unable to carry on with my current lifestyle for up to a year through the danger of ruptured spleen and massive internal bleeding, and general fatigue that may never go, I am already drained most of the time through poor diet and lack of sleep.

Basically I just want to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation and how they can get around it, if there is anyone who knows any more about glandular fever and testing for it, incubation periods and general steps to avoid it.

If it helps I am also a hygene freak, I use hand sanitiser at least 50-60 times in a day, always after touching objects and surfaces and don't eat food if I've touched it, so obviously I very rarely get ill of my own accord, only through factors I can't control.

Many Thanks

28-06-10, 16:39
You're probably wasting your time worrying about it. Almost everyone has had mono at one point in their life or another. Usually in childhood or adolescence and you might not even know it. Once you get it, it goes away, and then you are immune to it for the rest of your life. I, like most people, have antibodies to the EB virus and I don't remember ever having mono. I don't know the statistics, but I have to say 95% of the population has had it. At the very least it's the vast minority of people who haven't. You can't prevent it, so stop worrying about it.