View Full Version : I hate the heat and the sun

28-06-10, 14:36
Hi All

Not posted for ages, but anx is high. Does anyone else hate the heat and the sun? I get really worried when its soo hot and sunny, i worry bout heat stroke and sun burn.

It really does get me very anxious. I dont want to hide inside all the time but sometimes i feel its the only way to avoid getting all worked up.

Thanks x
overheated Nikki

28-06-10, 14:39
i used to love the sun and the heat but ever since ive suffered from health anxiety ( last 7 years ) I cant stand it. Just brings skin cancer fears. I hide from it as much as possible.x

28-06-10, 14:44
I have never been one for sitting out in the sun, just never saw the fun in it. My friend had skin cancer so i guess i'm more aware of it. x

Nice to know i'm not alone. i also find the heat brings on air hunger, some time i just cant get any air!

margaret jones
28-06-10, 14:48
hi nikki


margaret jones
28-06-10, 14:52
Hi Nikki
I am the same my anxiety is worse in the heat i am always better when the forecast says a drop in temp yipeeeeeeeeeee.
i had to go to a event outdoors yesterday it was awful even though i did find some cool spots to sit certainly never been one for sitting in sun but it is the whole temp thing that panics me , like you feel short of air especially when first get in car .

Hurry up Sept Take Care Maggie

28-06-10, 20:26
I hate it. Sorry I started a similar thread.

I feel really dizzy in this heat and my heart seems to go faster. Not the ectopics, although they are a factor, but sort of speedy and then too slow.

I cant wait for it to be cooler. My house is like a furnace upstairs

29-06-10, 00:19
Hi....Try living here in North Queensland,bloody heat and humidity suck.I have become a cave dweller in the summer and our winter is not that cold up here either.I get the shits with everyone when it is hot:mad:
Rhonda x