View Full Version : Flying on wednesday!!!

28-06-10, 16:26

I am flying to Las Vegas on wednesday :scared11: which is a 11 hour flight. I am terrified. I cant sleep at night and i am constantly thinking about it non stop and i physically feel sick. This is my 7th flight and its not getting any easier for me. I went to the doctor and she gave me 2mg diazepam tablets (14 of them) she told me to take one on tuesday night and one on the wednesday morning when i wake up. Will this work for me? Has anyone
tryed this??

Thanks x

28-06-10, 16:30
One of my friends takes exactly the same when flying and she says its fab, she doesn't like flying at all so can only do it while taking tablets.

I am sure you will be as fine as she is.

di x

margaret jones
28-06-10, 16:32
Hi i have taken them before a scary thing and they have helped to relax me so hope you find the same .
Are you going on holiday to Vegas ??? Have you been before ???

Take care Maggie

28-06-10, 16:43
Yes going on holiday to vegas for the first time and i cant wait but the flying part is stopping my excitement. Its terrible!! I just keep thinking the the plane I am on is going to plummet into the atlantic ocean lol as soon as i feel the plane start to hit turbelance the tears are in my eyes. Silly i know but i just cant help it :(

margaret jones
28-06-10, 16:53
Hi it is not silly lots of people think that you will be fine honest , if your feel anxious try and watch movie or listen to some fav music .

We went to vegas 7 yrs ago it was a truly lovely experince we flew over to Grand Canyon and then took a helicopter down into the Canyon then a boat down the Colarado river it was amazing and i cant believe i did it ,now suffer with panic anxiety and Agrophobia so cant imagine ever being able to repeat it .

So go for it have a super time and tell us all about it when you return

Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-06-10, 17:05
Thanks Maggie xx :)

28-06-10, 18:31
Hi, i flyed back in April and i was just like you - scared, couldn't sleep all night.

But i managed to fly.

Please have a look at my thread, it might help.


Good Luck

28-06-10, 19:06
I hate turbulence too. for me my main fear is feeling trapped and not being able to get off the plane.
see we often leave situations that we feel anxious in, so we never learn that even if we panic that after a few minutes we will be able to calm down again, without leaving or going straight home.
The plane will not fall out of the sky, there's a lot of people involved making sure the plane is safe and the plane it self has lots of safety equipment.
flying really is the safest way to travel
i think those tablets make you sleepy, so it's good to take one the night before and see if you really need the next one in the morning.
also it's almost impossible for you to panic while on those tablets. you may have anxious thoughts but at the same time you will feel nicely relaxed and hopefully you might even sleep through the flight so time will pass much faster.

29-06-10, 00:52
Hi there,

I just wanted to tell you that whatever you have to encounter on the flight (anxiety wise) will be so worth it when you get here. I have lived in Vegas for 7 years and it truly is fantastic. Just think of all the things you are going to experience, pop a pill, chill out, sit back, watch some movies and you will be here before you know it. I promise you once you get here you will see it was totally worth it.

If you need any help/information about anything here, feel free to pm me.

Take care and enjoy yourself.
Natalie x

29-06-10, 08:49

I dont like flying either. Ive done this flight loads of times and have never had any really bad turbulance, they do choose a path to avoid it if possible. Its never taken the 11hrs either. Just keep yourself occupied, movies, ipod, reading, you'll soon be there.

Sunny, clear blue skies, I wish I was coming with you lol, enjoy.

Take care.

29-06-10, 10:03
hi there i to am scared of flying,as are alot of people i supose,the first time i flew,7yrs ago,i had to get diazipam from my doctor,it did help me,i was relaxed before the flight,then after that",still nervous",but said ill do this without the tabs,and i was fine,im still not keen on flying,but dont let it stop me.i take a good book and read,listen to my fave music.you will be fine once your on the plane and before you know it,youll be there.have a brilliant time,heres a hug to take with you:hugs:.xx

30-06-10, 03:01
It's Wednesday!!!! :-)
I really hope everything goes well for you x and please let us know how you get on.

30-06-10, 08:23
I always take exactly the same whenever I fly. It certainly takes the edge off.
I wouldnt say it totally takes away my fear but it probbaly reduces it by around 60 percent, therfore its worth its weight in gold, lol.
Without diazapam I would not be able to board the plane, now i do so at ease and its only during take off and landing that I am a little tense but i think most people find this the worst part anyway.
I have a few friends in Vegas this week too, enjoy x