View Full Version : Ptsd study

28-06-10, 16:30
The Memory, Thoughts and Coping-Strategies study of Post-traumatic stress (MTCP) is a research study looking at how memories, thoughts and coping strategies interact to prolong PTSD following a trauma. Anyone who has experienced a traumatic experience in their life is eligible to take part. The study comprises of three short questionnaires and a 'free-text' box in which you can write about your experience. The study has full ethical approval, and participation is anonymous and confidential. The success of the study will be determined by the participants who take part, as such, we would greatly appreciate your involvement.

If you would like to take part in the study please go to: https://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/sussex/ptsdstudy

Thank you,

Sarah Beyer

University of Sussex, working in conjunction with Dr Susan Ayers.

28-06-10, 16:49
Hi Sarah

I'm not admin but was wondering if this post would be better placed in the "media/research" section?

Perhaps you could message admin and they will move it for you. Also might be useful to know a bit more about the study and where the results will end up..particularly given the nature of it.

Just a suggestion :)

28-06-10, 17:40
I have completed the survey . Glad to help

29-06-10, 00:22
My memories, thoughts and coping strategies definitely interact to prolong my PTSD. I am unable to complete the survey as I feel unable to write about my experiences in Part 2, but I would be interested in knowing the results.

29-06-10, 02:23
Done :)

Nigel H
16-07-10, 18:49
Sarah - if you want some further insight in to memories, thoughts and coping strategies in PTSD prolonging a trauma it would be remiss of me not to mention Time Line Therapy and the work of Tad James.

I am a Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy(TM) and Hypnotherapy and trained in London some 5+ years back.

3 years a go I had a motorbike accident and lost 70% of the use in my right arm.
After some 3 operations it was decided there was nothing more they could do physically.

I was also left with some mental 'scars' so to speak.....

If it was not for knowing what I had trained in and seeing one of the people I trained with, I would likely still be living day-to-day as stuck in my accident.

I am now hoping to do far more work with people who have gone through trauma - to enable them to overcome what it has left them with - as my way of thanking my lucky stars that I knew a way to have it dealt with.... and wanting to pass that on.

22-07-10, 19:40
Ive never written that out before, thank you.

Neuro-sis x