View Full Version : Hi!

15-02-06, 11:59

Im new here and not sure if im posting this in the right place but i feel like i just cannot cope with all this panic and anxiety any longer!!
Ive been reading through a few posts over the last few days and its been a comfort to know these feelings i experience can be understood by others. Ive been having panic attacks for about ten years but i feel all this anxiety over such a long time building up in me is making me so ill and has restricted me and taken over and ruined me and my life!!
I cannot leave the house alone and my ex boyfriend helps me with shopping etc,i felt i was coping better recently with the attacks as i got to the point where i could actually stand in a que in the supermarket without shaking or dizziness and i was planning to go back to college and i felt like my life was starting to finally come together!
But last week when i was talking to a neighbour i started to suddenly come over all funny and was a big bag of shaking nerves and it was so obvious and so embarrasing i just said goodbye in the middle of the conversation and just walked away!
Since then ive been having bad panic attacks again and constantly anxious and then this morning when some builders came round to estimate some work i feel i completely made an utter fool of myself again!! It was so annoying as although yes i was worrying about them coming over i thought i was feeling ok today and was going to be able to cope with it alright but when they arrived i could just feel my nerves building up inside of me and started shakin,couldnt concentrate on what they were telling me about the work,turned my back on them and just walked out the room and it was SOOOO embarrasing i just walked out the room said ok see you then goodbye and couldnt get them out the house quick enough!! God they must think im a bloddy wierdo!! So embarrasing!
Im absoulutly dreading next week when they come to do the work and not sure how im gonna cope with it!!
Anyway its the shaking i find hard to cope with and the fact im so obviously nervous,i cannot hold a conversation as im so nervous and cannot concentrate and find it very difficult to speak as im shaking so much and my mouth tenses up and shakes also god its so annoying!!And the more i think about it the worsre i get!!But i cannot stop thinking about something im telling myself not to think about! Im sure you all know what i mean!
Ive taken medication over the years but they caused terrible side effects so im not going down that road again! Ive tried relaxation tapes,yes they relax me and i think have helped a little and at the time while doing them they do completely relax me which is nice but as soon as im out the house im a bag of nerves again!
Im sorry ive gone on a bit but i hope im making sense!
Is there anything i can do to stop this horrible shaking that i experience do you think? i just feel so angry with it all now,i feel like im a nice person but with all ive had to deal with over the years im started to get angry and im worried im going to turn into a bitter twisted recluse!!

Ok im gonna stop there and im sorry if ive gone on ive just read through what ive written and hope you dont all think im a complete loony i just wanna get better and feel normal again!

Also i just wanted to say this is a great site and its lovely how you are all so supportive of each other!!

See ya !!

15-02-06, 14:23
Hi purple rain!!
I only joined yesterday but have made 2 friends already!! I think nearly everyone on here has felt and suffered with what you are going through- its brill on here because everyone knows how everyone else feels!!!! I suffer from 'the shakes' as I call it, it is annoying because I worry people will think I am a freak!! But i have been like it 3 years and you will learn to control it- it may take time but thats what we are all here for to chat while we are making our steps to 'normality'!!!

15-02-06, 15:19
purple rain

welcome to you, hope you get as much reassurance and guidance as i have had over the past few weeks.

i will ask you 1 question. have you read any of claire weekes books on this subject of anxiety and agraphobia?

am here if you need me


15-02-06, 16:25
Hi PurpleRain,

Im a newbie here 2 and agree that its such a relief to have found this great site and...other people like me.

It is hard when people who love and care about you cannot understand what we're all going through...so welcome to the site and...along with everyone else..I'm here if you need a chat.

Vickie x

15-02-06, 16:42
Hi Purple and welcome to the forum!:D

Take Care



15-02-06, 18:32
Hi Purple and welcome to the site.

15-02-06, 19:21

A warm welcome aboard the forum.

What are you suffering is quite normal and you are not alone atall.

Have a look on the website at www.nomorepanic.co.uk and read as much as you can on there as well as the posts here and you will get some comfort from all the advice and support there.

Please feel free to ask any questions you want to.


15-02-06, 21:58
Hello and welcome.

I hope you find this place as helpful and friendly as I have.

It does help to know that you are not alone and that other people feel the way you do and understand :)

Annie x

15-02-06, 22:09
Thank you so much for all your kind replys!!

Ive learnt alot today reading through here and your right the releif of knowing other peoplke can relate to how im feeling is such a help!!

Ive also noticed a few people on here recommemd the claire weekes books so ill look into that also thank you!!

Thank you for being here!!

See you!!

15-02-06, 22:54
Hi Purple




When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.