View Full Version : Ladies Only Please! I need advice!

28-06-10, 21:39
My periods are 3 days late, I'm not overly worried as mine are a bit irregular anyway but this morning when I went to the toilet I noticed a browish mucas when I wiped, it came back again earlier and I'm getting a bit worried now. What could it be? Is my doctor the right person to go to if it continues or should I find a gynecologist? And if so, how to I find one? I'm 21 and haven't had a smear yet. Any advice welcome, I'm worried there is a serious problem! :weep:

28-06-10, 21:44
Please try not to worry. It sounds as if your period is on its way and your uterus is already starting to shed its lining. If you have had unprotected sex and have not had a period in the next few days then I would consult your doctor.

29-06-10, 13:21
Could you be pregnant? This sounds classic pregnancy symptoms? BUT it also could mean that your period is coming within a day or two so don't stress! :)

29-06-10, 13:26
This can happen before and after a period, or even inbetween.

29-06-10, 16:23
My period was 7 days late! Damn thing!
I had a slight brown/pink tinge to the toilet paper this morning and within a few hours its got darker. Its probably just your period coming and its not at proper flow yet, so youre just getting a bit of blood mixed in with the discharge.

29-06-10, 18:08
Sounds like the start of your period as brown blood is usually older blood, it'll get redder soon once your period starts properly

29-06-10, 19:14
I agree with the others lady's sounds like your period is on its way! Ive had this a few times! could you be pregnant? x

30-06-10, 19:09
You were all right. I got my period this morning. :D

Thanks for all the advice, you've all really helped! :hugs: