View Full Version : Mouth ulcers and heartburn-really frightened

29-06-10, 09:44
Hi There,
I have been getting heartburn for a while now but recently I have been getting mouth ulcers which last for a few days then come back again in the same place. I looked on the internet and have seen that lots of auto immune conditions can cause reccuring mouth ulcers and now I am REALLY worried :weep:. Do you think the two things could be linked?? Please can someone help me.


29-06-10, 10:59
hiya, i suffer really bad HA and panic bout things like this, but dont google!!! theres loads and loads of posts on here about heart burn(which i get!) and loads on ulcers too!!! there all common.. the internet gives the worst case senarios and half the time not even written by a doctor!!! xxx(lol..im good at giving rational advice!! but crap at telling my self!!! i drive my freinds and family mad!!! but know im being daft!! xxx) xxx big hugs..ps get some oraldene.. see if ulcers werent commen you wouldnt be able to buy a remedy at the chemist!! or heartburn remedies xx

29-06-10, 11:25
Thanks for your help. I have got myself convinced that I have an auto immune condition. I already have underactive thyroid and ME. I know I shouldnt google but ALWAYS do. I really need to stop.

Thanks again

29-06-10, 11:41
Hi there

If you have ME then you're going to find that you're more prone to other things as well. For a lot of people, mouth ulcers seem to occur when you're not running on all cylinders - such as round the time of your period, or when you get a cold.

Heartburn is very closely linked with stress! At one point, I used to get it for WEEKS at a time (I think my record was about 6 weeks without a break).