View Full Version : utovlan/northisterone

29-06-10, 09:57
has anyone ever taken this? I'm on it every day from day 7 - day 28 for PMS.. twice a day.. i used to be taking them from day 19-26 (since april) but doctor says I need them every day since my period started a week early? Apparently thats a higher dosage than even people with endimetriosis - the leaflet says the dosage for periods is the week before your period starts... today they've made me very itchy and hot and "giddy" but my mam won't listen. she says since the doctor has told me to take them I have to just take them otherwise I'm wasting the doctor's time. I'm not sure if its anxiety I'm feeling though. I've been bleeding nonstop for days now and I'm shattered.. they seem to have a huge list of side effects too, and I haven't had my blood pressure taken in two years (you aren't meant to take them if its high as it can increase it, like the pill?) I'm really not happy but I'm not sure what I can do. I can't tell my mum as she'll be fed up with me worrying. I'm nineteen btw.

29-06-10, 10:35
Why don't you go back to the Drs and tell them of your concerns - you are very young to be taking this drug- is there another Dr at the practise that you can see different to the one who told you to take them everyday??

Are you taking them purely for PMS or do you have other gyny problems.

29-06-10, 10:36
hiya, i took these 3 a day for a week prior to my period!!(a high dose) for pmt and heavy bleeding, i too worry about side effects,i found them brilliant!! i called them my happy pill!!! once id realised that people with anxiety worry about side effects etc and thats usually just what your feeling not the actual tablet!!!(if u get me? ) i only came off them coz i told doc how good i felt on them so he put me on the mini pill to give me progesterone all month!! hope this helps! becca xx

29-06-10, 10:42
Um I just have period pain, PMS, heavy bleeding, and dermatitis of that area - it sounds a lot but apparently it isn't. I know, I'm not allowed the pill seemingly though, I asked for an IUS but I'm not allowed that either because of age. Its difficult as I'm at home from Uni and I'm not seeing my usual doctor (I'm temporarily registered with the surgery at home).. she's a lovely doctor however there is no communication between her and my usual doctor.. they do have good effects yeah but with me they make me so tired and give me awful period pain! I dk if I can go back to the doctor again, I was only there on Friday, I don't think my mum will be happy if I make another appointment. I'm just not happy with the dosgae.

29-06-10, 11:14
I wish people would let me make my own decisions about what happens to my body and what medicines I take but apparently I can't do that. i want to just take evening primrose oil like my own GP told me to (she said take one course of utovlan and no more). But then other GP said just to stay on Utovlan and increased the dosage. And my mum says all I do is moan. :weep:

29-06-10, 11:45
I suggest that you go back to the doctor that you feel you have the best relationship with and talk to him or her about it.

Norethisterone works for PMS for some people and not for others, but of course a doctor can't know how any of us are going to react to a drug until we take it.

If you're having lots of trouble with your cycle, have you considered going on the pill? I was on it for years as I had all sorts of problems with heavy bleeding and other symptoms, and the pill sorted them all out very quickly. And of course there are other obvious benefits of taking it!!

29-06-10, 20:09
Thanks everyone :) going to stop taking it for now, I've been getting really bad mood swings all day. Can't be doing with it, got four packets though and I'm scared of what the doctor will say if I tell her I've stopped. Guess it's my choice isn't it..I might phone NHS 24 for advice.