View Full Version : Do you ever sometimes think it's everyone else that isn't normal?

29-06-10, 12:15
I took the plunge and took my first 10mg citalopram tablet just now. They've been sitting in my drawer since March. I come on here frequently and get put off by everyone's posts but I decided to see how I go with them, as my situation hasn't changed for a long time now.

It's been about 20 minutes since I took them and I feel nauseous. Also my heart/chest feels sorta tight. Is this normal?
Also kinda feeling like 'see, you don't need these'. I feel quite down and isolated but sometimes I think maybe that's because I can see life for what it is and everyone else who thinks they are happy with their job and their car, 2 holidays a year and family, are just deluded. I don't think that even with this medication that my feelings on what's considered normal in society will change. I feel like I'll never fit in and perhaps really, I don't want to.

Any thoughts anyone?

29-06-10, 13:19
Hi Sas

Same feeling i don't think these tablets can change who you are and if my anxiety would not restrict my personal freedom i would not bother to take them, tho i must be bit depressed too right now.

I think as long as you happy with who you are and with what you have in your life that's what matters. Me personaly i don't care what anyone else thinks about my situtaion if they don't like it that's their problem not mine.
But could this be a sign of our illness perhaps ???

29-06-10, 13:24
Oh by the way the nausea feeling is normal it will go away in next few weeks, you will probably experience more side effects than just this one but everybody on here had something and it will get better eventualy.

29-06-10, 20:11
Hi Sas

Same feeling i don't think these tablets can change who you are and if my anxiety would not restrict my personal freedom i would not bother to take them, tho i must be bit depressed too right now.

Dangerous point of view, since it follows that anxiety shouldn't change who you are but I suspect it does.

It's a bit like pornographers saying what you read wont change you, which then denies all the good that literature had done through history - never mind the old bit of love poetry.