View Full Version : Date tonight - help!!!

29-06-10, 13:40

I haven't posted on here for a while as I have been doing ok but I have a date tonight with a guy I met online and I am so so so scared. I'm so worried that I will feel ill as I have been having problems with my thyroid and then I start thinking oh no what if something really bad happens when i'm there. I also keep thinking about not having anything to talk about. I'm a nervous wreck. Does anyone have any advice?

Kirst xxx

29-06-10, 16:07
first off all stay safe. It's good that your meeting him in a pubic place.
Don't drink too much out of nervousness.
write down a short list of topics to talk about and keep it in your purse incase you really get stuck for something to say.
don't agree with everything he says, men like a bit of banter :-)
wear something your comfortable in.
try and be positive. imagine the date going really well.
just be yourself , the guy is probably going to be nervous too!

29-06-10, 16:24
Apart from all the safety aspects that Mishel has covered.

Be yourself, i found when i dated online that you just find something to talk about and the majority of the time when i did go on dates some guys were more nervous than me.

So just be yourself and do try and enjoy it.

di xx

30-06-10, 11:47
Thanks for your advice guys. I had a brilliant time last night :-) :-)

K xxxx

30-06-10, 13:15
Oh thats fab news hun

so glad it all went well

di xx

30-06-10, 16:37
good news!! second date ahoy?!

30-06-10, 18:32
aw well done :-)

01-07-10, 17:42
thanks :-) well... the game playing commences. we both want to just a case of who asks who and when!!
