View Full Version : the pill

29-06-10, 15:55
Sorry this is similar to a recent thread i posted but i have just been prescribed the pill yasmin and im to scared to take it. i know im supposed to take it on first day of period which was yesterday but im terrifed of dvt and more anxiety. i am on it for severe pmt - can anyone give advice

29-06-10, 16:13
I wouldn't take my pill for a year because of the same worries, but i decided I'd had enough of my heavy periods so I took it. Glad I did because it has helped alot:-)

You will be fine, there is a greater risk with pregnancy of developing a DVT/PE.....etc. We all have a risk of 5/100000, on the pill (well my pill) 15/100000. So as a percentage it is pretty rare, and I've had 3 children, so I looked at it that way.

At first it was causing my great anxiety being on it, but now I rarely worry about DVT etc..

29-06-10, 18:06
I would definately take it. I was the same as you when I first was given the pill over 3 years ago. My main worry was DVT as I knew I wasn't very active. My Dr told me not to worry as the only people who get DVT on the pill are people prone to clots, people with a family history of clots and people who are ill and bedbound for months.

I've been on the pill over 3 years now and wouldn't go back at all. It's been a lifesaver, take your pill now. You'll be glad you did

29-06-10, 18:37
Listen to Cat, she gave me the courage to take mine;-)

29-06-10, 23:29
thanks so much - im going to take mine tomorrow when my hubby is home so ill prob be back on panicking then x

30-06-10, 06:14
You will be fine xxx

30-06-10, 14:10
Oh, I loved being on the pill.

I'd had years of horrendously bad periods; they were heavy and could last for weeks at a time. They seemed to give me loads of energy and I felt really good on them (probably because I wasn't bleeding all the time!). I came off them very reluctantly when I was about 38.

DVTs are pretty rare and taking the pill gives you some protection from ovarian cancer - as well as the other obvious benefits!! :D

30-06-10, 16:29
My husband has had a vasectomy so I take it purely for my periods. It has worked wonders:)

03-07-10, 16:45
thanks jessicalil - was it yasmin you were on - x