View Full Version : feel like a cant breath tight chest

29-06-10, 16:01
Hi i am having a terrible day my chest is so tight i feel like i cant breath properly ,its like i feel im going to suffocate .Its also a feeling like i have a chest infection but i dont if that makes sense .My doc says my chest is clear and my oxygen is 99% .My peak flow which my doc gave me years ago to check i didnt have asthma is 440 all the time.My doc says it is my hyperventillition syndrome thats causing this because of my anxiety .Its so scary ,i cant stand it.I just find it hard to beleive this is not bad for my health .Can anyone reasure me that they also have these symptoms than you kind regards molly xx

29-06-10, 16:16
Molly I have had this a few times. It is absolutely nothing to do with your lungs, so don't be afraid. It's your chest muscles that are tensed up and this is why is seems difficult to get enough air! You will always get enough. Try taking breaths from your tummy and this in turn relaxes your chest muscles. This feeling will go when you are less anxious so please don't despair.
Myra x

29-06-10, 19:19
thank you for your reply kind regards molly

29-06-10, 20:41
I get this alot and my new counsellor taught me a breathing teq. Breath in through your nose for 4 second but push your stomach out when you breath in then breath out through your nose for 6 seconds letting your stomach deflate it really does work but make sure you breath through your nose as that will regulate your o2 and co2 .

heather xx
29-06-10, 23:16
i've had this but did have a chest infection. Ive had it a couple of times since then i have been told its anxitey x

29-06-10, 23:28
molly, ive got this all the time, the more you think about it the worse it gets, its REALLY hard, but try to relax.
the more you stress , the harder it becomes to breathe,
ive got horseness, a need to cough all the time, trying to suck in deep breaths & feeling like your lung capacity is halved, ect ect.
i have it even if i dont conciously think im anxious.it sux.