View Full Version : Help Please

29-06-10, 16:06
Hi All, this is my first time on here and it is great to read that I'm not alone with how I am feeling. I'm a mature full-time working woman with 2 kids and a grt husband and life is almost perfect - well I thought it was up until recently. I have always managed to juggle everything in the home, kids and work no problem however recently I started to worry over the slightest thing, then the worrying started to be a panic, really out of control over something as little as emptying the dishwasher. I have find that I am cooking evening meal then wanting to go to bed as soo tired. I realised something was not quite right when I recently panicked over stepping onto a train - something I do regularly which has never bothered me before. I went to doctor who said I was suffering from depression of which I find hard to believe as I don't think I am depressed, I still smile, laugh have interests etc., Anyway prescribed 20mg Citalopram and been taking for 1 week, I now feel worse than before and seem to always have shaking hand, clammy hands and feet and generally feeling a bit spaced out, I'm hoping this is a side effect of the drug, has anyone else had this before? Also does it ever go away as I would rather suffer panic attacks than have shaking hand the other day I could not write a birthday card. Any responses would be greatly received. Many Thanks.xx

29-06-10, 16:09
Hi Doreen

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-06-10, 16:14
Hello Doreen

Firstly, welcome to the forum - I'm sure you'll find it a great help.

All the side effects you're experiencing are common with citalopram and other similar meds so please don't worry. The good news is that they will most probably pass within a couple of weeks, so try to bear with it if you can.

Perhaps you do have a degree of depression along with panic disorder but I wouldn't worry about splitting hairs at this point. Your doctor has put you on the right track and you should feel an improvement in a few weeks. In the meantime you may experience increased anxiety so if it gets any worse or you are concerned please make an appointment to see your doctor again.

29-06-10, 16:19
Thank you for response, very much appreciated and I am finding NMP really reassuring, very informative and my best friend, you seem all great people.

29-06-10, 16:24
Thank you for your quick response and very much appreciated. I'm finding NMP a brilliant forum and it is so reassuring other people are in the same boat. I will bear with it for a couple of weeks but taking this is such a big think as I'm always reluctant to take any meds. Thanks again and I'm enjoying reading all the reviews.

29-06-10, 16:33
you did the right thing seeing the doctor,you should feel better soon keep your chin up xx

29-06-10, 18:31
Hello Doreen
Welcome aboard, I sure you'll find some support here.
You may be a little depressed, it sounds like the anxiety is your real issue. I found Mindfullness to be helpful, especially with breathing properly, this little improvement has helped me in times of panic - if your can get control of your breathing your less likely to feel the other symptoms of anxiety.
All the meds have a range of side effects so I believe that it's quite important to work on what you can do yourself.


29-06-10, 19:55
meds take a time to work but they do and you will start to feel better just hang on in there if you want to talk pm me

29-06-10, 21:59
Hi Doreen,

You might ask yout GP to check your thyroid levels with a blood test. They may well be normal, but as you haven't suffered earlier in life like this then it's worth ruling it out.

Take care,


29-06-10, 22:40
Hi Doreen,

I am a newbie too so hello and welcome. I had the same kind of thing when I was on sertraline for my postnatal depression/anxiety. The side effects can be unsettling but usually only last a couple of weeks whilst your body adjusts. Keep us posted on how you're getting on.

Take care
izzywizzy x