View Full Version : Im worried about my friend

29-06-10, 16:46
Hello all :)
Firstly i hope i am ok posting this here, i am hoping for some advice about a friend of mine.
My friend was sectioned 5 weeks ago and i went to vist her in the hospital yesterday and was really alarmed and upset as to how she was.

It seemed to me she was acting worse than before she went in and im really worried, she was telling me she had been raped by the doctors and at night they are taking her eggs and "balming" her??

She actually escaped the other week and the police had to go and find her and she told them she was being raped, she also told me the staff had been hitting her and im wondering how should i react to this? when she told me what had been going on i listened and she got upset with me and said i dont believe her, would it be the medication that is making her like this? if so why on earth does she seem much worse!

She keeps telling me she is praying a lot, and the nurses keep telling her off for doing it! i really dont know what to say, i dont want to patronise her and i dont want to agree either so what do i do?

shes going to be in hospital 6 months, and i have no idea why and what is wrong with her, any ideas what i can do to help her? and anyone else been in this situation?
many thanks daisy. xxxxxxxx

29-06-10, 17:18
Hi, I have just read your post. I think its quite likely that the drugs they are giving your friend are affecting her like this. I am sorry that I cannot be of any help to you, but I hope you are able to find someone to help the both of you out in this situation.

29-06-10, 17:20
Hi there. I would speak to one of the doctors or nurses that attend to her. Ask them the best way to treat her.
I would try to talk to her about things that you have in common, maybe tv etc.

29-06-10, 17:26
I tried everything to change the subject yesterday and she got upset that i didnt believe her, it really is awful seeing her like this, the staff wont tell me anything at all. xxxxxx

29-06-10, 17:29
one thing don't disregard everything she says ,, part of what she is saying could be true ,, i don't say it is but its easy to blame meds ,but one never knows i suggest you keep an eye on her if you can and maybe have word with people in charge ,, no doubt they will say its meds but they cant be with her 24/7.. so keep an open mind ,,i do know of someone it happened to but it was bruising ,,, her family found out and it was stopped ,,we don't know the people who look after ,,patients in these places

29-06-10, 17:36
This is what is worrying me, she went off alone and something might have happened while she was gone, she could have been attacked i dont know what to think any more, you hear these stories about mental health units. xx

29-06-10, 17:42
your right ,things do happen plus ask yourself why was she allowed to go off on her own when she is not well ,,she should be being monitored if she is on strong meds

29-06-10, 18:51
I know nothing makes sense to me, she was gone quite a while, they let her sit outside for a smoke but now shes not allowed unless a nurse can chaperone her. xx

29-06-10, 19:17
People on this forum may know but what about contacting the Patients Association or PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service). I know very little about them but it seems as if your friend could do with a medical advocate. Are you the only one who goes to visit her?


29-06-10, 20:17
Her sister has been once or twice but its mainly me and her partner.
Do you think it is the drugs that are making her like this? i was expecting a bit of improvement but she seems to be worse! xxx