View Full Version : anxiety and heavy weight on chest feeling

29-06-10, 22:59
I have health anxiety plus fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue which bring their own symtpoms but ive got a particulary bad worry about my heart which has been a strong anxiety for months. I thought i was having an angina attack or something and i went and laid down which made it a bit better. Never felt a heavy weight like this before. Has anyone else had this feeling. My treadmill test showed no blockages but still the symptoms continue. Finding it really hard to believe this is anxiety. :weep:

30-06-10, 12:51

30-06-10, 13:58
Hi Janni

Sorry to hear that you're feeling so rough. If you've had a treadmill test, this is a pretty good indicator to the state your heart, as physical exercise shows up problems really quickly.

I've had this heaviness feeling a lot of times and it always proves to be anxiety. I tend to get one symptom for ages and obsess about it, then it moves off and I get another one. The favourite at the moment seems to be a tight stomach, but I'm starting to get used to it now, which probably means it'll go away in the fairly near future.

26-07-10, 02:33
you would be surprised at just how many of anxiety symptoms are down to 2 hormones - adrenaline and cortisol! I really think the best way to ease all the symptoms is just to reduce those hormones! Sorry to get all technical hehe, took me quite a while to get to the bottom of this one lol ^_^

27-07-10, 17:38
Hi Jannie, I have ME/CFS and yes I get those heavy feelings on my chest. I think the reason is fatigued muscles which are full of lactic acid. I also have had a treadmill test and everything was fine. I hope this helps.

27-07-10, 19:53
Thank god someone else feels like this. As you can see i have posted today myself about chest pains. But i have also been getting this feeling where it has felt like my chest is being crushed/squeezed :weep:
I am to really worried about it :scared15: