View Full Version : no sleep for 5 nights

30-06-10, 04:55
im getting so tierd but i just cant seem to swich of my thorts run like wild fire and i find my slef consumed with thorts or a twisted nature i just wanna sleep im so very tied i cant consentrtat eon anyhtign and im realy beginging to show bad beahviur of forgettign wher my daughter is shoping paying bills worryin gmore about simple things like camras being my house wich is making my paranios worse i dontno what to think any more cep that i think im going crazy i need to sleep i tryed baths and sleepers and meditathionand what ever else nothing seems to work imslowly crakingup andmy daujgher is wachingme do it i dont wanna give her a complax but im worey mt illness is making her play up an di dont no how to chnage it


hopers xx

30-06-10, 07:38
Aww hopers, I feel so sorry for you but I have no suggestions or advice. But I hope that things improve for you. Baggs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-06-10, 09:08
Me too, I hope things get better. Have you called your doctor? t sounds like you need some support.

30-06-10, 09:11
Hi hopers have u been to ur doctors? Have u had trouble sleeping before? U on any meds? I'm here if u need a chat anytime. Take care and hope u feel better soon x hugs x

30-06-10, 09:21
Hello there hopers!

I was in exactly the same boat as you going back 2 years. Its not pleasant at the best of times but even worse when you have a child to take care of. Listening to you is just like looking back into my life in 2008 and it a happy time.

What you are experiencing on a night is mind chatter, its constant jibber jabber running through your mind and blocking you from thinking logically and winding down.

You do need to go straight to your GP...TODAY!!!!

You dont deserve to suffer like this and you do not have to. Your doctor can help.

If you want to go into chat, send me an inbox message and i will meet you there. xx

30-06-10, 12:47
come in chat lets have a talk about this god bless

01-07-10, 12:23
thanks for everyones support i was so tierd i dont even rember rightng this - that is why imonly replying now im all ready on nirazipam for sleeping plus i have proazine and dusolupin with are seditves

wheni dont sleep for long periods i begin to loose toouch with reality and thats when bad things happen
ho w did you cop epink pigle having a child to is such very hard work

love and huggels and thanks for the siport xxx

01-07-10, 13:15
Hey Hopers,

Sorry to hear you've been struggling. I thought you'd been quiet... HUG.

One trick I use to get to sleep and block the mental chatter is to create a good story in my head. Like day dreaming I suppose. Make it as nice or fun or adventurous (or sexy!) as you like, but positive. This shuts out the chatter and stops you mind wandering into anxious or negative thoughts. And unlike real planning or anything it does not add new things to worry about. I suppose in a way its a little like being read a bedtime story by a parent....

I've also known of other people to use music playing gently or audio books or radio or tv. Use headphones if it might keep others awake.

02-07-10, 09:29
thanks for everyone suport iv lost count but this is my 8th day going doctors on wednesday thats if i dont have amental breack down b4 .the troble is the more tierd i am the worse i become ie... vocies manic beahouir loosing touch with reailty
it all gets to much an di end up loosing the plot and doing something stupid i jsut wana sleep now im so tierd so tierd thank for everyones suport its muchly apprected

hopers xxx