View Full Version : Do I need meds??

30-06-10, 08:36
Okay so its been around 18 months since I came off fluoxetine, I started them i August 2008 after a terrible bout of anxiety/depression. I came off them myself in January 2009 as I felt i no longer needed them. Was great for a while (six months), been up and down for past year or so, recently had a bout of depression which my gp offered me meds. I insisted that I wanted to battle this without meds so I said I would try relaxation and exercise. My GP seemed happy with this. I went back after a fortnight of swimming, and bit of jogging and honsestly did feel much perkier.
I woke up this morning and my first thought was 'I'm miserable, I need meds'. I really am struggling to find any interest in life, we have alot going on at the minute, we are doing some home improvements and are upside down & we have booked our wedding for next year. All this excites me but it comes with a fear too. I am on edge 24/7, I cannot relax (never been any good at this), I spend too much time on the internet instead of giving that time to my fiance and son, I cannot sleep on a night & cant get up in a morning (my 3 year old son is developing this habit too) I struggle to laugh (as in out loud, rip roaring laughter), its been so long. I feel lost to be honest. I am still swimming but not as often and my shifts are sporadic (a mixture of evenings and night shifts) which I know doesnt help but I haveno choice on this. I think I might just need fluoxetine (or whatever else) to give me a boost.

What do you think??

and i'm sorry for the ramble x

30-06-10, 08:56
Hi Pinkpiglet,

Well working lates and nights is always going to be hard on you and having the house up in the air cant be helping. Its hard coping with depression without meds (even with meds). I do know that the more Im trying usually equates to the better Im doing but theres never an easy answer.

You take care

30-06-10, 09:01
I do think that the best remedy for anxiety/depression is self help, relaxation, exercise, organising your life better but then again I think that its not always so cut and dry. I might just speak to my GP again (bet he's sick of the sight of me)

Thanks for your reply x

30-06-10, 09:18
Sometimes the feelings just overwhelm you and throw you into that rut. Its not easy to jolt yourself out of it, sometimes it can be a hard slog of back to basics. I have never found anything that compares to cut and dry, does it exist. Yes a good idea to speak to your GP, maybe ask for some talking therapy. tcx

02-07-10, 15:30
Hi pinkpiglet,

You need proper treatment and medication.You need relaxation, exercise, organising your life better.Although you may be in the initial phases, looking for a expert suggestion is always safer than to wait anymore.

Hope your problem will be resolved soon.
