View Full Version : sleep, night terrors

30-06-10, 08:58

Well i have upped my meds after 5 years, from 50mg sertraline to 75mg, then going to do a 100mg from friday. And surprise surprise feel worse, its day four of upping, the tiredness i can deal with, the tears i can, the shakes i can, its the sleep, before upping, i could get off to sleep, but woke early in the morning, with the jolts, rushing thoughts, knot in stomach and anxiety. But last night was awful, went to bed, feeling a bit anxious, then everytime i dropped off to sleep i would jolt awake with absolute terror, like gasping for breath and bad thoughts, but cant think what they were, also felt like i was clamping my mouth shut, at one point think i caught the end of my tongue. It was truly awful, i was having like flashing images in my head. Woke up the same this morning, in tears and scared, I just want this to go, is it a side effect of tablets? will it pass.
thanks lynne x

01-07-10, 03:20

went to bed, feeling a bit anxious

You're just suffering from overload. Too many worries, too many pressures, too many fears...all going round in circles in your mind.

Try writing all your worries down. Fold the piece of paper and put it in a drawer then forget it. It might help to empty your mind.

Next morning try to think of what you need to sort that day only and not think about tomorrow or the next day.

Before you go to sleep each night, try to introduce a winding down relaxation technique such as a long bath, listening to music, read a book, drinking something to calm you such as a milk drink...NO caffeine or alcohol!

Try not to dwell on all your worries all day. Try to find something to look forward to that will help you unwind.:hugs: