View Full Version : Hard convincing

15-02-06, 18:45

i find it really hard to convinve myself that i am actually fine.

i have had my blood pressure checked and sugar so many times now and yet i cannot believe it.

i seem2 get new symptoms which i have just mentioned in the health anxiety section.

does ne1 else feel this way and if so how do you overcome it.

im only 17 for gods sake!


15-02-06, 21:36
not alone dev . get yourself some cbt as this is supposed to be really helpful and get yourself a copy of claire weekes book self help for your nerves . it is hard to get the message in there , i no ive been trying for years but this site will help you

take care , jackie

15-02-06, 21:36
I think you'll find that most of us have felt that way and it does take a while to accept that the tests are right and it is anxiety at work.

I can remember thinking that doctors have to be worng occassionally and obviously that had missed something in me and that I was definitely dying - that was 5 years ago and it hasn't happened.

It does get easier I promise.

You need to try and stop going for the blood test, etc because you are only making yourself more anxious by worrying that they will find some terrible disease....They won't.

I hope that you begin to feel better soon. PM me any time :)

Annie x