View Full Version : meds seem to have quit and the tears are hitting hard

30-06-10, 13:12
Hi everyone, I've been on effexor since december and it took a good 2 months to help then about a month ago I started feeling sad again and so my doc increased my dose to 225mg and really its not doing anything I'm crying hard today devastated that's its all coming back I feel so lost please help?

30-06-10, 13:41

I'm really sorry to hear your having a tough time. I know its easier said than done, but try not to be so hard on yourself in terms of feeling devastated. You made a really important decision to help yourself last year, and just because the venlafaxine doesn't seem to be working, doesn't mean all is lost. You clearly want to get better, and that counts for an awful lot.

In terms of options, why don't you think about going to see your GP again. Have you considered CBT or another talking therapy- they really help.

Just try and be kind to yourself today- is there a friend you can talk to ? Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk more.


30-06-10, 14:16
hey Chris,

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time at the moment. Meds affect us all in different ways and there are tons out there if you find the one your on isnt working for you.
We all have blips and its so hard to pick yourself up and keep going but one blip does not mean u will be back to square one. I agree with Nick that you should make an appointment for a chat with your doc to see what else can be done to help you.

huge hugs for you , hope you feel better soon
munkey x

30-06-10, 16:02
When did the doctor increase the meds? Could it be it will take a while for the higher dose to kick in?

Either way, am sorry you are feeling sad. It may be what Claire Weeks calls, a setback, rather that it all coming back. Have you read her book. If not please do try a copy:


A big hug from me too

01-07-10, 13:12
I've been on 225mg a month now and last week ran out of my long release so had to use the generic ones but same dose. I know it took me over 2 months to get used to the 150mg. Is it possible this is just me still adjusting or even a blip? I just feel weird.