View Full Version : Just need to talk

30-06-10, 13:18
Hi I have been on here a few weeks now and this site is really helping me.
I now know I am not alone or going mad.
I will try to keep this as short as I can as it is such a long story but please try to find the time to read thanks.

I am 47 years old always been a bit nervous scared of thunder storms as a child.

I married a 18 to a man who was always in and out of prison.
In 1981 I had a baby that meant the world to me. He looked like a little doll, I was so very happy.
In 1983 I had a miscarriage and a few months later I found my dad dead in his flat. I had to get the police to break in. Turns out my dad had been laying there about 2 weeks dead, he had choked to death on his vomit.

In May 86 my then 4 year old son who had been ill on and off for a few months with like the flu was took to hospital where he was fount to have leukaemia. He was given weeks to live.

It was at this time that I started to go funny. One day I eat a ice cream cornet and thought it was all stuck in my throat and I was going to die.
As I was staying in the hospital on and off for weeks at a time with my son it was easy to keep going into a and e.

They said I had globus hysterics. I still have it to this day.
At its worse have had to liquidise food like a baby.
The last few years I do eat but very soft food have a lot of backed potatoes will eat chicken but cut it up very small. It takes me a hour to eat a meal. I weigh just over 6 stone.

I meet another man in 1987 as I just had to divorce my husband as he would not stop going to prison.
I got pregnant again in 1987 very quickly after meeting this man so tried to make a go of things for the baby.
My son was still in and out of hospital having treatment for leukaemia.

I stayed with this man on and off until he died in May 07 age 40.
He was a alcoholic the whole time I was with him
I would not let him get drunk in my house so he would go off to drink for weeks at a time but I always took him back as by then had got very bad panic attacks. Dizziness was so very bad I could not always walk. Could not go out the house alone.
When he come back to me he come off the drink for weeks at a tme and was loving and caring and really looked after me.
But when he wanted to drink again would cause rows and leave.
We had another child in 1997 but still he did not change.

I stayed with him so long because I was so very scared to be alone because I could not cope on my own with the panic attacks the dizziness would scare me so much.
Also I had become a Christian and was going to church and prayed and prayed for this man to change.

In 05 he got him self on heroin and then I knew I could never have him back again.
3 weeks before he died he come back to me off the heroin I nursed him through the cold turkey and the church helped us to.
But he one day decided to rob my house I caught him and told him to get out. I never sew him again as 1 week later he was dead.
I will never forget the day my 9 year old come home from school and I had to tell him his dad was dead.
He was so very close to his dad. His other son age 20 then did not want to know would not even go to the funeral.

Since the my 22 year old son got his girlfriend pregnant and her family did not like it.
They used to come to the house when they where drunk late at night with base ball bats banging on windows and one night tried to smash the front door down.
This went on for a year and a half my 9 year old and me where so scared we had to sleep at my 89 year old mums a lot of the time as we where too scared to be at home.

Thank God we got a new house out of the area almost 2 years ago.
A nice peaceful village and have had no trouble here at all.

But my son has been locking doors day and night and runs up stairs in fear if the door knocks. Although the last few moths this seems to be getting better.
He will not go out to make friends.
He had not really been to school for a year and a half. Had lots of meetings with education and I asked for a social worker.
It ended with March this year me being took to court.. I had to see a probation officer who said I could be sent to prison for 90 days.
I have never ever been so scared in all my life.
I can not even shut my own bathroom or bed room door as I have claustrophobia so very bad.
I have a phobia over the dark and have to have a candle and torch by my bed every night in case there is a power cut. I have panic attacks every day and am always dizzy.

I had to travel 11 miles to go to court as was told I would be arrested if I did not go.
I had to stand in the dock shaking with fear and in the end fell to the floor in the dock out of total fear.
I just knew I got not go to prison and be locked in a cell.
I ended up with a 4 month conditional discharge saying I have 4 months to get my son to school.
There is a unit within the school with just a few other children in it where my son can go so this is a good thing.
He has been quite a few times but of late they are now wanting him to go all day 4 days a week.
He has to get on a school bus and mix with other children now as they said no more help with lefts from the education department or social services.

My son has not been for a week and said to me today I hate you and will not go so you get in so much trouble you go to prison or kill yourself.
My son swears and shouts at me all the time every day and never ever goes out apart from the odd time he sees his one and only mate that lives in another village or goes out with his grand mother once a week.

I am having trouble breathing am dizzy and shaky all day and night because of the rows all the time with him.
Social workers have blamed me saying I am neglecting him because of my panic attacks.

How am I suppose to make a 11 stone boy go out and made friends and I can not drag him to school. I am on my own coping with this.
I am out of my mind with worry that I will end up in prison it is making me so ill.

The one good thing in all this the one thing that is giving me strength and helping me do each day is God.
I love him so very much and I do trust him that some how some way this situation will get better.I have a few Christian freinds that have me over for bible study and a meal sometimes although I can not really eat the meal much.I have not been to church for a few weeks as can not be there 2 hours with out having to want to run out.

I sit alone day and night every holiday every weekend while every one else seems to have some one but its never me I am the one always alone.
Sorry this was so long but had to just get it all out of me somehow some way

30-06-10, 13:34
Hi loveletter, I'm so sorry to read of your troubles, it puts a lot of mine into perspective.. I cannot begin to imagine my child being given a time frame to live, I'm so sorry..
I can't offer much advice in terms of your problems, will your son not sit whilst you discuss both sides of your concerns and his fears, to maybe shed some light on why he doesn't want to attend school. And as far as them blaming you because of your panic attacks then I would just put that down ignorance and lack of understanding..
I think your faith could be really benefitial to you through trying times, again I've no experience in this but if it comforts you then this can only be a good thing..
I hope things get easier

30-06-10, 14:37
Thank you Martin for taking the time to read my post.

I just wanted to add that my eldest son made it through the Leukaemia and is a healthy 28 year old now

30-06-10, 17:03
Hi loveletter. What a life youve had. It seems your anxiety problems have made you settle for things you didnt deserve because you didnt think you could get anything better. You can. Youre worth so much.
If I were you I would call the Citizens Advice Bureau and ask them for help with your situation. I would speak to your GP and ask them to provide you with a letter listing all your health problems and how the anxiety stops you leading a normal life. Then send a copy to the social services dept manager. Youre not an unfit mother because you have panic attacks and a social worker should never tell you that its your fault your child is the way he is. Theyre supposed to be there to support you not make you feel like crap.

01-07-10, 03:01
But my son has been locking doors day and night and runs up stairs in fear if the door knocks.

I can see you've been through a really terrible time and my heart goes out to you.:hugs:

I agree about seeing the doctor and before you see him, write down all your symptoms and how they're affecting you. Also though, I would tell him about your sons behaviour because, although I know I could be wrong, I have a feeling that due to past events, he also has fears that need addressing by a professional such as a therapist or psychologist.

If someone is agoraphobic, they cannot be blamed for not being able to go out and nor should a mother be blamed if their children have fears preventing themselves from going out.

Even if I'm wrong, your doctor should be made aware of everything that's affecting your life.:hugs:

Also, although our circumstances all differ, you're certainly not the only sufferer who feels alone so there are many of us who understand and empathise with how you feel.:bighug1:

01-07-10, 10:54
I have been to the dr so many times over my 12 year old son.
He threatened to hang himself in December 08. The gp sent 2 mental health workers to the house and they sew my son for half a hour.
They said nothing wrong with him that getting out and about and back to school would not sort out.

My son has now been put on a child protection plan as they said I am neglecting my son.
People at church just can not believe this.

My son lost his dad at 9 years old and when his dad was found dead the police first thought it was murder so it got on the news and in the papers and we could not have the funeral for 9 weeks.
At the same time as his dad dyeing bully's scared us to death coming to the house at night with base ball bats. Many times my son and me had to flee out of back doors and over fences in the middle of the night to escape.

I keep being told by every gp every social worker that there is nothing wrong with my son.

My son locked doors for a year and a half putting chains on even in the day.
Some one knocked the door one night at 6pm and my son got a carving knife from the kitchen. Turns out it was only the avon lady.
When I got up the next morning my son was sitting on the sofa he had stayed up all night with a knife saying he thought some one may break into the house in the night.

He followed me around from room to room will not bath for months at a time.
One day I had a friend here and my son come down and said he had heard voices in his head calling him he was so scared he would not leave me for hours.

I got the gp to come to the house. He come at half 2 in the afternoon and my son was huddled in bed and would only talk to gp from a little space in the duvet.

Gp went away and said nothing wrong with your son.
Social workers have said that he had a mental health assessment when the 2 workers come out in December 08 for half a hour.

I am having a terrable time with my son as he is screaming and shouting me and crying every day last night was so bad I do not know what to do any more and am really ill.
He threw a pint of milk over the iron then come in a front room threw a pint of milk over the carpet screaming and swearing at me.

If one more person tells me there is nothing wrong with my son I think I will go mad.
Social services blaming me.
Said I need to get myself well and out and about again.
Need to set down rules with my son and make him do things and make him go to school and youth clubs and places.

I am going to see my gp this afternoon as social workers have ignored my last 2 emails for help and I do not know what to do any more.
A friend from church is walking me I am dreading the walk as I am so very very tired have a terrible head arms and legs hurt feel sick and dizzy.
I will go but in my heart I know the gp will not offer any help.
I am praying with all my heart that God will send the right people to please help my son and me

02-07-10, 01:55
There are 3 things I can think of that might help you.

Contact these people and explain in detail your circumstances, what you're having to cope with at home and the treatment you're receiving from doctors, social services etc. Ask for advice but also ask them if they can take up your case regardless if an actual diagnosis has been made or not....


Also contact MIND as they can also offer advice, support and someone to take up your case....


If all else fails, this usually works...

Write a letter or send an email to your MP or ask someone to write on your behalf.

Hope that's of help.:hugs:

03-07-10, 11:26
I guess you are suffering with this because you have totally quit smoking and other habits and this time you did quit it for a long time. If this is the case, it is because you were mostly addicted and now you are resisting it, which is good. This will change as the time passes by and I would suggest you to look out for a Doctor and take a short treatment.
I hope you will feel much better after that.


03-07-10, 14:27
love letter,
I really feel for you, there is nothing worse than asking for help and not getting any, dont give up, keep pestering them until someone takes notice, maybe try a few of things that people here have suggested.
Im sorry that i dont really have anything useful to add to this, but didnt want to read and not reply in some way.

Take care

P x