View Full Version : Only me - martbarr is the name !!!!!!!

30-06-10, 14:36
[ peep ]

Boing boing
- only me - still snooping around like ya do.

Sorry - am a sort of "all or nothing" guy
and I am totally addicted to this forum
so decided to see how long I could go without commenting.

And it went on and on
and only just realised how rude I must have appeared to all my friends.

- anyway I'm ok thanks.
Yes got my new job, and finished at ITV now.

Thanks to you all for some of the nice comments about missing me.

Me - Moi - how could people miss me !

I will still pop in occasionally for a brief "fix" but not so much as I used to.

Tra a bit

[ /end peep ]

30-06-10, 19:43
Hey!!!! Cheeky chappie, am soooo glad you popped in to say hello...had been worried and didnt want to bother you.....glad you are doing good...may it continue!!!

Take care

30-06-10, 19:45
you little monkey lol:winks:

01-07-10, 13:15

Welcome back. I've been running out of jokes .. well I had been until the World Cup provided 11 of them all at once

04-07-10, 21:42
Welcome back Martin, really missed ya, glad your doing alright.


12-07-10, 23:11
hey up - a week into my new job and loving it -
How ya'll doing?

13-07-10, 07:17
Hey Mart,

Glad the new job is going o.k. Am not doing too bad...still have blips and morning anxiety but am able to get on with what I need to do etc...not easy at times but I manage. Still on the treadmill whenever I can. My weight seems to be dropping slowly now....I still take the mirtazipine and I take pregabalin which has really helped. I dont think anything will cure cos I believe thats down to us but it does help.

Glad you around again....hoping for some of your jokes.

Take care.

14-07-10, 18:08
hey up - a week into my new job and loving it -
How ya'll doing?

How's life in Thames House then.... we all know your secret. Your pictures out in the Telegraph "Former MI6 worker pleads guilty" (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7889420/Former-MI6-worker-pleads-guilty-to-disclosing-secret-material.html)
