View Full Version : blasted blips

jaded jean
30-06-10, 15:28
Today is abysmal!. after 4 great manageable weeks I am having a blip. I have and am still having every thought possible and I feel as if I have been dragged backwards emotionally. And coping strategies have gone out the window. I am doing as much as I can to try and alleviate it ,but it doesnt seem to be working.

30-06-10, 15:59
Hi jaded jean. I know where your coming from. You have a few days or weeks of feeling good and then bang you feel as if your back to square one. Keep going though things will eventually come right for you. :yesyes:

jaded jean
30-06-10, 16:05
Hi Pmrob1.
yes it is a pain in the btm!!
I think is because I had my first real day at work yesterday. My office space had been cleared by the girl who has covered for me but to hit the point home all my certificates were taken off the wall and pictures of her daughters were in place.I dont mind that but it just looks like any evidence of me working there has been obliterated.
I am angry and sad - I feel in limbo now.

jaded jean
30-06-10, 16:14
Thankyou very much le. even I did not look at it from that perspective:doh:It all just disappears. I will start again tho.

jaded jean
30-06-10, 16:27
I totally agree with you there le. an odd moment is an odd moment . as long as it is not all encompassing then we shall all be ok.
stay strong,:shades:

jaded jean
30-06-10, 16:41
That.. is a brilliant suggestion. I will not tread on any toes, I will state that I just want to put my things up but can arrange them around what is there already.
Of course I will post what happens .Thanks again,

30-06-10, 19:42
Hi Jean,

Those blooming blips!!! You are doing so well hun so dont forget that!!!! I think that it is probably as you say your real "proper" day back and that person that took your certificates off the wall.....well I know what I would do to her!!! LOl!!! How very dare she???

I am sure that you wont be letting her get off lightly with that and in your own little way will see to that!!!

I hope the blip passes hun and I know it will....we all have them....if only we could just bottle up the good days eh???

You take care.

jaded jean
30-06-10, 20:01
Dont worry Jo- as Baldrick would say 'I have a cunning plan' I will go in a bit earlier and do it. cheeky little upstart.
I hope it will have calmed down /. I had my sister round tonight and I have been her advisor re teenage son-say no more.... and my probs were forgotten in an instant so that was beneficial for both of us, wil let you know what happens I might even take a bloody photo I am so peeved lol xxxxx
speak soon .
nb is the pregabalin still working??:ohmy:

30-06-10, 21:08
Hi Jean,
Your current little dip sounds very much like mine was over the past couple of weeks, you've pushed yourself to do the things that were making you anxious and it's just trying to push back, but I know you can get through this, you've gotten through quite a few things in the past month.

At last you can see that it's a blip, it's not overwhelming like it was, you can think your way through it and that helps when dealing with it a lot. Give me a nudge if you need a chat.

Going in and putting your stamp on the office sounds like a good idea, let off a bit of steam and show that girl where she stands, I reckon that would make me feel better as well, I wasn't sure if they were moving you to a new office when you mentioned this yesterday.

Let us know how it goes

jaded jean
30-06-10, 21:16
I dont know if that was the precursor to this blip Shaun I am well peeved and thats being polite.
there was no need to remove all of that as it was not a piece of office detritis as ther other stuff probably was.
I will be speaking to my line manager tomorrow as well regarding this .:buttkick:and this is what I hope will happen- lol.

30-06-10, 21:27
Go get em Jean :D

jaded jean
30-06-10, 21:28
NO PRISONERS:scared15: HA!!!

30-06-10, 21:30

jaded jean
30-06-10, 21:36
LOVIN THAT!! The person in question is partial to a cream cake too.(conspirital chuckle hehehehehe...............)

30-06-10, 21:40
Would they notice a little extra ex lax sprinkled on top do you think? :P

jaded jean
01-07-10, 06:31
we shouldnt get too carried away with the' operation' methinks !!;-p

01-07-10, 06:59
Hi Jean,

Yes pregabalin has really helped me...anxiety much better thanks!:)

Hope you have good day.


jaded jean
01-07-10, 07:54
J o I will be thinking of you also. have a good one and will post later so watch out !!!
Jean xxxxxxx

jaded jean
01-07-10, 16:00
Today was an epiphany.... I asked my colleague why all my things were taken down and boxed up? I mentioned to her-did you and everyone else just assume that I was not coming back??and took it upon yourselves to wipe clean any evidence of moi??.
she replied that it was not intentional, she wanted her baby pictures on the wal and her assortment of post=its as she had never loked after a scheme before etc etc. So it was a moot point and I left it at that. no 'loaded 'cakes were offered but come the day.............>'.'<

01-07-10, 17:12
Hi Jean,

Well done you!! That put her firmly back in her place....lol...love it.


jaded jean
01-07-10, 17:54
Hey Jo.
YES!! I did all that but I still feel a bit anxious , why is that do you think? or am I still in the blip stage??
How did you get on today?

01-07-10, 21:00
Hi Jean,

Today was my day off and it was pretty good apart from I have realised that have put weight on with the pregabalin so on top of the mirtazipine has made me feel a bit crap about myself but must just pick it up and think positive at least am feeling well and would not swop the fat little pig for a unhappy Jo again!!! LOl!!! Hubby still loves me even though I am a grouchy cow at times...poor him!!!

I think you are still at the blip stage like I am still really....I think it takes some months before it proper passes and then we still get them but much less often. You have come such a long way....keep positive!! I try to as well and know its not always easy.

Take care....and wishing you a better day tommorow.

Love Jo,xx

jaded jean
02-07-10, 06:52
Hi Jo
I have read the survival guide and it seems I am gong thru a blip stage but this time it feels worse well not worse the chatterbox kicks in as soon as I open my eyes, I feel nauseous and feel like something bad is going to happen , anxiety is rearing its ugly head again and I dont like it. God I hope it doesnt last much longer..

02-07-10, 07:27
Hi Jean
Sorry you are going through this blooming blip, I've not been posting much lately. I know it sounds selfish, but I've been feeling so much better that I sometimes feel that when I read what others are going through I start to remember and feel a bit anxious again, sounds really selfish I know!! I'm sorry you are having a bad time of it lately, it is probably the work issue, saucy little moo, I too would have been ranting, I hate it if someone uses my desk and messes with my things!!! I've just had a week off work, went back and someone I have never heard of was logged into my computer, sounds really stupid but I thought 'how dare you'!!!!
The blip thing is still something that I occasionally have, but touch wood (oh and I hate saying this out loud!!!) they are very few and far between. I have been so much better since increasing dosage to 40mg, it took a few weeks to notice a real difference but it eventually came, and yesterday I had someone really cheer me up!! I went in the chemist to get my repeat prescription for my hay fever meds and there was a bit of a mix up so the pharmacist had to give me an emergency prescription, she asked me in quite a stern voice why I wasn't paying for my prescription and I told her, because I'm 62!!!! She looked at me flabbergasted and said 'but you are so beautiful'!!!!!!!!! What's that supposed to mean, when you're 62 you have to turn into an old lady! Not me.....:-)
But it did make me smile :-) Only something little but it made me feel better and my friend who were with me thought it was lovely, cos I can never ever take a compliment!!
You will be fine Jean, you too will get to the day when you don't wake up thinking about it, I thought I never ever would but you do. I still wake up some days and the chatter is there but I just now seem to ignore it and take my first tablet and get myself ready for work and I'm good :-)
Sorry to chat on like this but I just wanted to let you know that I am still here and that I do still think of you and Jo and always hope that you are both doing well, along with everyone else on here who has helped me get to this point. This site has been absolutely brilliant for me.
I wish you all the very best Jean and I will always be here on this site if you ever want a chat.
Luv Jannie x x x x

jaded jean
02-07-10, 07:34
Jannie ... bless you I feel so weepy now that was a lovely message thanks again,
Jean xxx