View Full Version : sex drive/hormone imbalance?

30-06-10, 17:07
Ok for a long time, as long as I can remember (probably six-seven years, when I started puberty) I've had an excessively high sex drive and a need to satisfy myself - up to nine/ten times a day when I have exams etc.. started when I was twelve. I don't know if its because of stress, maybe. I started looking it up on google tonight and it came up with hypersexuality which is apparently caused by brain tumours and other stuff. Is this possible, or could my hormones be out of whack? This is really bringing me down as I've put up with this since I was twelve and now I wish I could be more normal. I think about such things a lot and I know that's not common for girls... I'm nineteen and I thought I was over and done with puberty?

Apologies if this is the wrong place but I needed someone to sound off too.

30-06-10, 17:46
you know, from everything ive heard of people typing in symptoms on google it seems to me that just about EVERYTHING comes back saying 'brain tumour', you could probably type 'runny nose' into google and even that would come back with brain tumour,

really wouldnt worry hun, I seriously doubt its abrain tumour, maybe you do just have a really high sex drive?

I can't help but wonder why you are seeing this as a problem, try and turn it round and see it as a good thing! a lot people who have anxiety problems can have trouble with a low sex drive.

01-07-10, 00:00
daisy, im no expert, but heres what i think.
sex releases endorphins which make us feel good, maybe youve learnt to use this as a way of dealing with stress?
at your age , feeling this way is perfectly normal, everyone knows that teenage boys get so randy that a light post or watermelon will set them off!, but sexuality for girls is still viewed differently, when both sexes go through the same thing.
there is nothing wrong with you, you dont have a tumor, & DONT GOOGLE!
i agree with the others , usually the first thing to go with anxiety is your desire, so if youve got it, enjoy it

heather xx
01-07-10, 07:33
i have a low sex drive and hate it but nothing gets me in the mood and i love my husband so much!! Wish i had your high drive.....we can swap if you want lol

01-07-10, 09:13
Also, if you've been this way for seven years, it's mega-unlikely it's anything to do with a brain tumour as you would be getting a shedload of other symptoms by now.

Find yourself a nice man and enjoy!!!