View Full Version : cystitis symptoms and so many others

30-06-10, 17:57
Hello, I am posting on here having not visited for many months, due to being, I thought, well on the road to recovery! Last night i was troubled by sudden onset of bladder symptoms, needing to wee often and burning sensation all the time down there. I feel like i have to strain to empty my bladder fully and it feels sore afterwards. These symptoms are not new tho, i suffered very badly with them 2 years ago and was tested and found to have no infection. drs suspected interstitial cystitis. Since then symtoms subsided and for at least 18 months i have had no problems at all with my bladder. I am also having strange bleeding patterns (I am 47 and peri menopausal)I am also suffering stomach problems, pain and upset tum, which i hope is just IBS.

I am so scared my symtoms are all related to something more sinister and also that they are going to put me right back to square 1 with my anxiety, itx been such a long road out and i can't believe how low i feel today after many months of feeling great.

Does anyone have any advice or experience, i am so low today. Thanks

30-06-10, 20:42
Hi jessieblue, the symptoms youve mentioned are common in peri menopause amongst many others. I had a particularly bad time with various symptoms and yet other women hardly have any trouble at all, Its a very individual thing.
If you want to pm me , please do.:)