View Full Version : have you tried kalms tablets ????

30-06-10, 19:42
just wondering if anyone has tried kalms tablets, got them from the chemist, and they seem to really help with panic attacks.

30-06-10, 19:55
I tried them years ago but they made me feel really spaced out and depersonalised. Glad to hear they have worked for you though - I wish they did for me!

30-06-10, 20:45
They seem to be hit and miss, work for some, and not so well for others, good to hear they work for you though.

I always recommend valerian, which is one of the things thats in kalms (always check with chemist and doctor to make sure its appropriate for you though)

01-07-10, 12:29
I had the reverse effect after taking them, ended up getting really anxious, and didn't like it -- I got dizzy and like i was floating on them lol...

Glad they've worked for you, it's good to hear about people finding things that work for them :)

04-07-10, 15:37
Me too...increased my anxiety a lot.

04-07-10, 16:29
They make me moody!! i dont know why but i get a really bad temper when ive had them. i drink chamomille (sp) tea which is nice and relaxing. ooh also redbush with vanilla tea is lovely and calming! and it tastes like ice cream!!

05-07-10, 00:16
My mates mum tried them and it set her off, she got ill cos its got iodine in it which can interfer with the thyroid gland.. speak to the dr before trying them.

05-07-10, 07:34
tried them years ago, but they didnt do anything for me.

05-07-10, 09:03
I used them for a while and certainly noticed a calming effect. No bad side effects, though my fiance had some and then a beer later and got very spacey.