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15-02-06, 19:23
I could just slap myself, but I just had to look up ALS. Of course I have every symptom and they got even worse as I read it. I know or pray to GOD that deep down I don't have it and it only happens to 1 or 2 out of 100,000 per year and that is small, BUT WHAT IF! I have done so well and I just had to watch that stupid episode of ER with it on there... and then it was on the news and everywhere! This weeks health threat to ALL... you know how the media is... anyway... just wanted to type it out and maybe hear a few nice words!
Why is being rational sooo difficult... I'd have the best words of encouragement for someone else... why not me? LOL Guess I have to step out of myself so to speak! LOL

15-02-06, 20:35
Now that I go back and re read this... I sound pretty silly... my hand actually was weak after reading the symptoms.... that could be the fastest developing case ever! LOL
Silly me!

15-02-06, 20:41
are you cured then gone crazy? well done, it does look silly written down sometimes doesnt it i no i feel that way but it doesnt stop us feeling true fear about it.

i have said that if we were to take on board the advice we give others we would be cured. not that easy when it is our own bodies.

anyway glad you got a giggle and a bit of relief

all the best. jackie

15-02-06, 20:43
Try not to feel bad, my husband banned me from watching ER, because everytime I would watch I would freak myself out. Believe it or not just thinking about the symptoms can make you have them. I have a hard time believing that myself too, as right now I am struggling with head pains and even though I know I have sinus problems and they did a catscan (came back negative) - I still am talking myself out the the fact that I think "what if" it's a brain tumor.

Don't feel silly - we all do the same thinks. We aren't as unique as we like to think - which in lots of ways is comforting.

Hang in there!

15-02-06, 21:01
smart hubby, i no what you mean. dont watch tv at all it makes your fears worse, i dont even miss it. i can just see you after a n episode of er, i no because i did it too.

youre right it is great to know im not unique although when the chest pains are as sore as they are tonite i find it hard not to think i will be the one it will kill. morbid i no. [ you dont need er to get obsessive says you ]lol

anyway sit down and watch something with out blood and the like or do what i did, have 5 kids and watch nothing but cbeebies

take care. jackie


15-02-06, 21:22
The funny thing is too that I don't watch ER for that reason or any medical show... but since ALS is my newest fear, I had to watch it. I obess over the rare illnesses! If I told hubby that I looked up ALS, he'd get rid of my internet access! So this will be "our" little secret!
It's been in the media too since then... I don't like the media! LOL Thank God we missed bird flu so far... I was already picturing the world collasping and all of us in masks etc...
I'm very creative and I've said before being creative is NOT a good thing when you have anxiety! LOL

15-02-06, 21:27
mines is very run of the mill heart attack or blood clot, but they are not catching so you can read on. what is als anyway. oh maybe i dont want to no.lol

your right i was always full of thought and imagination and it causes allsorts, lucky us what.

hope your feeling bettwer anyway, or is that not the plan when youve got als.lol


15-02-06, 21:42
I've had every brain tumour and organ failure going according to the internet, oh and a stroke!

I don't look anything up anymore - I'm not supposed to have that much information, lol!

Annie x

16-02-06, 03:01
I have been convinced that I have ALS or HIV for the past 3 - 4 months! Once I read the symptoms on Google they started happening all over my body - and they are still there! I hate the internet and Google! Us anxiety sufferers should file a class action lawsuit against them. Hey that is not a half bad idea!

16-02-06, 14:15
glad you all are still around telling your story of your illnesses, makes me feel less of a freak even if you have defyed medical science to survive


16-02-06, 15:22
Last night my hand felt weak... so of course it was my disease setting in... then over the course of 2 hours it had progressed to MANY symptoms... and if you don't know what they are... KEEP it that way... you'll be much better off bc they mimic anxiety... but so many things do... anyway I was sure that this was it and I started to imagine myself in a wheel chair and dying and my funeral!! It was hard to snap out of it but I found a good magazine and started reading and soon I was better. It almost seems as if you can make yourself feel things that aren't there... I've never experienced that before!
Sorry for rambling... I wish there was a magic pill for this and it wasn't so much work! LOL

16-02-06, 16:27
im all for the pill gone crazy but until then thinking of you

16-02-06, 16:35
Okay... this is the last I'll post on this subject! LOL
I did a worksheet from CBT that made me turn my irrational fear into a rational thought, and I see that I have wasted 2 days worrying about something that happens to only 1% of the population. I thought I had it under control, but I think this will be a life long thing that I work at. Thanks for the kind words... It is hard to just live each day and not obsess about the future and the what ifs.
Thanks again! Doing much better! ;)

16-02-06, 17:44
your right it is tough, a vicious circle that is hard to break. but the will to get better must count for something