View Full Version : do your muscles hurt to touch sometimes? t

30-06-10, 20:41
hi, i have been getting very weak, tired and achey muscles. the doctor thinks i have had flu and the symptoms im getting now is because im still recovering from it. today my arms are really achey and weak and sore. when i touch them they feel like im pressing onto bruises. anyone get this?

im still not convinced ive had flu as ive done some posts on here to see if anxiety can cause flu like symptoms and the general view is yes it could do.

sarah x

30-06-10, 20:43
indeed the brain is a powerfull thing ..we can get symtoms of every illness known to man thats how it affects us

01-07-10, 13:23
Hi, yes iv had this... the tops of my arms have been the worst, if i get a slight bang on them... they hurt so much! I just put it down to being tense and wound up all the time, its bound to affects our muscles because theyre never relaxed x

01-07-10, 21:08
thanks for your replies. anxiety is actually very amazing. horrid but amazing. how can worrying thoughts etc, cause such physical symptoms

sarah x

01-07-10, 21:29
it is amazing you only have to watch a sport where you know the player is going to Win . then the nerves kick in the brain floods with adrenaline and what happens they loose ,,even the commentators say his nerves got the better of them if you know what i mean ,i think we must be so strong to go through what we do and have very alert brains x

01-07-10, 22:54
I get this too, often it's the area just above my wrists, sometimes its a whole body thing.
Other times its like you said little accidents that should'nt really hurt are really painful.
I've wondered if it's connected to your bodies natural opiate production which can go into overdrive with some anxiety disorders, does this mean that you develop a higher tolerance to these chemicals making pain more painful than it should be?

02-07-10, 12:58
Its quite possible that you have fibromyalgia - a non-degenerative syndrome with myriads of weird and wonderful symptoms. What you are describing in relation to the muscles, arms and wrists is very common - you often feel like your bones hurt at the slightest touch or bang, your arms will ache for no reason. and you will experience pain, cramps in your wrists, hands even fingers.

Fibromyalgia sends (or encourages the brain) to send out erratic pain signals, which suggest injury but are often completely unrelated pains emanating from the soft tissue which surrounds the muscles and joints - anywhere in the body. I was diagnosed with this over 10 years ago - as were others who contribute to these pages - and my first symptoms were aching and painful arms and a general feeling of having been run over by a truck.

Do you have a job or specific activity that relies on repetitive use of the arms or hands (i.e computers, sport ) - I ask because fibro is often triggered by repetitive activity over sustained periods. Hot and humid weather can also exacerbate symptoms. I can scarcely move my back and shoulders this morning due to the high humidity in London.


02-07-10, 20:52
i have been diagnosed with m.e around 11 years ago and fibro around a year ago. after looking more and more into anxiety and its symptoms and being a very anxious person myself i am battling with the idea that all of it or the majority of my symptoms could be down to anxiety. i have spoken to my doctor who says that it is a problem diagnosing m.e and it is so similar to anxiety. its a hard one.
thanks for the replies
sarah x