View Full Version : Depression + Anger + Noise sensitivity

01-07-10, 00:18
Does anybody with anxiety ever get low mood days where they struggle to pick up? Some days I just feel rock bottom, a little anxious and everything annoys me I can be sensitive to cars going by, noise of the birds outside and so on? Sometimes I just feel angry at things gone wrong in the past, or the computer going slow, or the future not working out..and worrying it won't?

Sometimes I just get these days quite regular at the moment. Find it hard to be positive when I feel so worked up, angry sometimes I feel this way for nothing specific. Does anybody else get this or am I going mad?

01-07-10, 01:05
I can relate to this Phil,and I get it quite often.I can be generally ok one day but the next everything trivial can really grate on me and put me in a sour mood.I look back sometimes on my life and when I was younger(I am 43 now)I seemed much more laid back and I didn't let everything get to me the way I do now,however my anxiety hadn't kicked in big style so in a way I was a different person.
I was in bed last Friday morning and I do tend to have a busy life so I was trying to snatch an extra half hour when I could hear noisy kids on their way to school walking past,I instantly felt annoyed and I shouted "Shut Up" loudly,with the warm weather being here the window was open and I am sure they heard me as did my husband who was already up.He called to me up the stairs and said laughing that I was a bear in the mornings,well yeah I can be but I found it dis-respectful,so in answer to your statement that do we find it hard to be positive sometimes and do we feel anger then yes you are not alone.

01-07-10, 01:28
Phil I could have written your post. I hate the black days that hit for no reason and I often feel I could destroy everything in the house, I'm so full of anger. Electrical noises, like the hum of the fridge and the fan on the computer, drive me crazy. I have days when panic is constantly just below the surface, yet I am at home with seemingly nothing to be anxious about.

I find that a nap sometimes helps. It's like I literally did get out of the wrong side of the bed. Or fresh air. I go out in the garden or make myself take a short walk. I concentrate on looking at the plants, as I find that connecting to nature calms me.

As you say, it is a struggle to pick yourself up out of it. Sometimes trying is the worst thing to do. You're certainly not going mad nor are you alone.

01-07-10, 07:32
Phil... my partner feels like this..more often than not. Everythings seems to grate on him or wind him up. He feels really low.Nothing seems to comfort or calm him. To kind of work the anger off we go out for a walk or just out in the car somewhere for a drive. That seems to help him. Or he'll throw himself into some housework..which he does at about a hundred miles an hour!

05-07-10, 00:14
Hi Phil

Noise always sets of my anx, i hate it im sooo sensitive. Car doors slamming, people talking loudly etc can send me into a panic :weep:

i find myself wanting to scream...EVERYONE JUST BE QUIET, I NEED PEACE!!!!!

Your not going mad hun, this is just anxiety grrrrrr I hate it

I find distraction on thoose days the only cure


05-07-10, 01:44
Hey Phil

I can really relate to this. I started getting anxiety attacks last christmas but they are now causing me to feel angry and down about everything. Most days I am fine but I seem to explode if anyone says anything hurtful to me. Most of the time it's not even that upsetting but I get so so angry and I just start having a massive rant at the person (my boyfriend tends to be that person) and I start saying horrible things that I don't even mean. A few hours after my 'rant' I just think back and think 'Who was that girl?' It's like it wasn't even me.. It's such a horrible feeling :(

05-07-10, 10:51
I have those days. Recently my mum's voice kept grating on my nerves. I love my mum but everything she said seemed to hit a pitch that rattled my brain and in the end I went home to the peace and quiet of my flat. Sensitivity to noise is something that has really affected me lately. I've barely had the radio on in the house! (And that's unusual for me).