View Full Version : test results

01-07-10, 09:45
hi guys,
firstly this is nothing to do with my usual ms fear, i went to the docs as i was having some bleeding between periods, he did an exam and said i had erosion of my cervix but was fine as i only had my smear in march but he said my uterous felt soft on one side and could be a fibroid, he sent me for a scan which sent me into complete panic, although im always at the docs the word test just panics me. I dont know how i actually got to the scan without having a hear t attack but i did. The sonographer said everything looked normal and couldnt even see the fybroid. I was so happy and vowed that i wasnt going to jump to conclusions again and to chill, well this was 2 days ago and now the doubt is setting in as she did say it looked normal to her but the consultant would be looking at it and i had to book an apointment with my gp in 5 days, if the scan was normal why would i need to go back to the gp, i cant help but feel that the consultant is going to find something and the gp is going to give me the bad news. Do you think i would get a call straight from the hospital if they did find anything? im going out of my mind with worry,
thanks again for reading