View Full Version : I'm not sure if I can go on

01-07-10, 09:47
Hello Everyone,

I'm 26 Male and i'm scared to death. I have been having really bad Palpitation, Missed Heartbeats, Lightheadedness, Pressure Headaches (Sudden zaps), Tight Chest and Shortness of Breath, Pains in Hands and lower arms.

I've been to A&E 3 times and they have all done the same tests ECG, Blood Tests, Chest X-Ray and nothing has come back at any of them.

I losing my marriage at the moment as my partner doesn't know what to do and believes i'm suffering with really bad Health Anxiety.

My wife is starting to not love me anymore and all I can think of doing is ending my life as I don't think i'm getting enough help (CBT) and my family keep saying if the doctors thought you had something really wrong they would have kept me in on one of the 4 occasions at a&e.

I keep think what if they have missed something what if all this tight chest and shortness of breath with i'm up and about is a blockage in my heart. Would that come up on a blood test or ecg or chest x-ray??

i'm only 26 and i dont want to die. Medical history, Asthma, Hiatus Hernia, IBS, Hayfever, Slightly low Iron, Slightly high white blood cells.

Please Help me PLEASE!:emot-fail:

01-07-10, 09:49
In the last 2 months I have Sold my flat bought a bunglow Moved Job Left my new Job and Now not working.

01-07-10, 10:30
Hi. Sorry to hear youre suffering so much. The tight chest and shortness of breath is more likely to be related to all the stress youre under at the moment. Youre making yourself feel ill by thinking that youve got something seriously wrong.
You need to find something to occupy your mind to try and stop these thoughts. What did you enjoy before you felt like this?

01-07-10, 11:18
Hey Leo! you must go back to your gp and tell him how you are feeling. You have had alot to deal with and sometimes it just all gets too much!! I'm sure your wife does still love you but she probably doesnt know how to handle the situation at the minute and you are probably mistaking it for rejectment. Have you talked to her about your feelings?
Anxiety is very powerful at attacking every part of your life, ie health, life, love etc.. as it as a knock on affect over everything.

back to your gp for you, and tell him everything x

Desprate Dan
01-07-10, 12:10
Hi Leo, I can relate to what you are going through, i am a young man like yourself, i was shy and selfconcious, i had a lump down below i thought it was TC i kept it to myself for years festering in my mind until it made me so ill with worry i convinced i was dieing, i lost my appetite lost weight, trembling, exhausted. It was worry what was making me so ill, and the doctor checked me over and it was a harmless epydimal cyst. All them years of worry for nothing. Go back to see GP mate.

01-07-10, 12:46
Hi there

You've had a lot of stressors in your life (moving, changing job, losing job, relationship issues) - and you have HA as well. This is on hell of a lot to put up with at once and it's no wonder you're going into overload.

If you are having problems with feelings of "I can't go on", then you really must see your GP as soon as you can. Ask him/her to get you to do an anxiety/depression questionnaire (GPs should have these available) which will give an accurate picture of how bad the problem is for you. It sounds to me as though you need some help to get yourself stable again, whether it's through medication or with other support, like CBT.

All the symptoms that you're describing are anxiety ones, and I've had all of them many times, for more than 20 years on and off (and I'm still alive!). The problem is, we get stuck into loops with them and that's when we need a hand to get out of them.

I'm not too sure what to advise about your relationship; you can't force people to think things that they don't want to think, but maybe she'd be more likely to listen if you've got a proper diagnosis from your GP, as it will help her see that you need support.

If you want to chat in more detail and don't want to do it on the forum, please feel free to drop me a PM and I'll get back to you when I can.


01-07-10, 13:15
hi leo.....i was just wondering if you are getting any treatment for your low iron??Anemia can cause palpatations...rapid heartbeat lightheadness and headaches, your level should be around 13g/Ld.....have you discussed the result with your doctor as this can easily be rectified (even through diet alone)....maybe its worth going and having a chat with him and telling him how you are feeling.Hope you feel better soon..x

01-07-10, 13:46
hey man hang in there you will get better sometimes this sh*t happens but you will get through it. Ask you wife to stay supportive because you will get through it together.

Get all the necessary tests to make sure your physically healthy and start some therapy to help the anxiety.

all the best