View Full Version : Weird mole

01-07-10, 12:43
I have a mole on my stomach that seems to have spread outside of its original borders. I went to the doctor to get it checked before but he didn't even look at it, just sat and stared at his computer screen and told me I didn't have it.
Now it's spread more and I'm booked in again, to see the same doctor. I'm scared as hell because my mole has a lot in common with a malignant melanoma but I'm worried that the doctor just won't bother with it again.
I got an emergency appointment because of it, suggested by the receptionist and not by myself, so clearly it needs checking, but the doctor won't take me seriously. He thinks just because I've got HA that I'm paranoid.

01-07-10, 12:49
Hmm, tricky one this, as if the mole is growing, then someone really needs to look at it - even if they do say that it's nothing to be worried about afterwards. If you have no luck with this appointment, then try again and ask to see someone else. Your health centre should be able to do this for you.

Hope this helps.