View Full Version : Electronic allergy testing

01-07-10, 13:41
Has anyone tried this?

I went last year, I was not a believer in that kind of thing but my friend swore it found her allergy causing her IBS so I thought I would give it a go.

Well I was suprised as it showed I was allergic to prok, tomatoes and onions, I knew that anyway as I always react badly to them. It also showed dairy, but me being me I carry on eating it and I suffer almost daily with very bad windy tumy and IBS symptoms.

Today I have had awful wind in my back, between my shoulder blades. Popping wind in my back passage and the need to pass wind alot:blush: and horrible acidy popping pains in my abdomen around the belly button area and on my sides:mad: It all just feels very acidy and I am wondering if what I am eating really is causing me to feel like this. I don't get this bad every day, but probably once a fortnight I feel this unwell, but daily I have wind problems.

I had helicobacter back in February, had treatment, but my GP doesn't think it is anything to do with that because my actual stomach doesn't feel bad really.

Has anyone had this kind of testing?

01-07-10, 15:57
Hi Jessica, a Vega machine is one of the things often used for this kind of testing. I was recently Vega tested for another reason and tbh found it quite spot-on. On the other hand, I've seen a report from Which? where they looked at allergy testing with them and the results were poor - different practitioners came up with different allergies for the same person. Not sure if that is any help at all lol x

01-07-10, 22:50
Thank you Jane.

I never know what to trust, lol!